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Agenda item

Housing and Environment Business Plan Performance and Actions - H&E/14/045


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Housing and Environment which presented the key performance measures and progress of key improvement work within the Housing and Environment Directorate.


In relation to Void Management, the Convener provided an update relating to the current void figures and intimated that officers were using the new voids path and that there were several factors affecting the overall management of voids and requested that officers submit a report to the next meeting providing a detailed account of all of the void paths.


In relation to Housing Allocations, Councillor Delaney requested an update in relation to Smithfield Court, whereupon the Housing Manager advised on the current situation in relation to the remaining tenant and the Head of Regeneration and Housing Investment advised that the work on site was due to commence in August with a completion date of within eight months.


In relation to Housing Allocations, Councillor Jackie Dunbar intimated her concerns over the low number of applications being processed within 28 days.  The Housing Access Manager advised that there were a number of vacancies which he advised would be filled soon and that the backlog of applications were currently being processed.


In relation to Homelessness Temporary Accommodation, Councillor Finlayson enquired as to the high cost of the weekly rents, wherein the Housing Manager advised that all of the properties were fully furnished and had a service charge for the management of the property.  He also stated that the majority of tenants offered the temporary accommodation qualified for full or partial housing benefit.


In relation to Landlord Registration, Councillor Delaney enquired as to why the Council were not able to progress with issuing rent penalty charges for the 17 landlords that had not re-registered, whereupon the Head of Housing and Community Safety advised that the Council had to identify whether those landlords were still renting their properties before any action could be taken.


In relation to Street Scene, Councillor Finlayson requested information specifically relating to the 0% value for Grounds Maintenance – Dog Fouling, wherein the Environment Manager advised that the figure provided was a random sample and would change depending on which streets were sampled at the time.  He further advised that the most up to date report from Street Scene would be circulated to members.


The report recommended:

that the Committee provide comments and observations on the performance information contained in the report.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         in relation to Void Management, to note the update provided by the Convener relating to use of the new voids path and to instruct officers to submit a report to the next meeting of this Committee providing a detailed account of all void paths, specifically the issues around each of the paths;

(ii)        in response to a question from Councillor Delaney relating to Housing Allocations, specifically Smithfield Court, to note that the work on site was to commence in August and it was envisaged to be completed within eight months;

(iii)       in response to a question from Councillor Finlayson relating to Homelessness Temporary Accommodation and the weekly rent cost, to note that the weekly rent charges were attributed to them being fully furnished and the service charge;

(iv)       in response to a question from Councillor Delaney relating to 17 late Landlord Registrations and why the Council were not issuing rent penalty charges at this stage, to note that the Council had to identify whether the premises were still being let as private or rented accommodation and that the Head of Housing and Community Safety would provide Councillor Delaney with an update after the meeting;

(v)        in response to a question from Councillor Finlayson relating to Street Scene and the 0% value for Grounds Maintenance – Dog Fouling, to note that the figure provided is a random sample and would change depending on which streets were sampled at the time and to note that the most recent report would be circulated to members; and

(vi)       to otherwise note the report.

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