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Agenda item

Application for Provisional Premises Licence - Co-operative Food Group Ltd, 122-124 Broomhill Road, Aberdeen


The Board had before it a letter of representation from the Chief Constable, Police Scotland dated 22 December 2014, a representation dated 18 December 2014 from the LSO, letter of objection from NHS Grampian dated 19 December and 39 letters of objection from members of the Public.


The Board also considered three letters in support of the application from members of the public.


The Board heard Sergeant Skinner speak to the Police letter, Tara Gilchrist speak to the representation from the LSO and Heather Wilson speak to the terms of the Letter from NHS Grampian.


Thereafter, Mr MacDonald Solicitor, John Kelly, Regional Operations Manager, Derek Murray, Area Operations Manager, and Raymond Gormley Regional Acquisitions Manager for Co-operative Group, addressed the Board in support of the application.


Councillor Townson moved: - to grant the application


Councillor Boulton moved as an amendment: - to refuse the application


On a division there voted for the motion (3) Councillors Cameron, Carle and Townson; For the amendment (3) The Convener and Councillors Dickson and Lawrence.


There being an equality of votes the Convenor used her casting vote in favour of the amendment.


The Board resolved: -


To adopt the amendment. 

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