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Agenda item

Broadford Works - 151783


The Forum had before it a report by Planning and Sustainable Development on submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Ferness Investments holdings, which outlined major applications for redevelopment of the former Broadford Works and a number of associated listed buildings to form a residential-led, mixed use urban village of circa 890 units, incorporating private rental sector apartments and student residential bed spaces as well as leisure, crèche/nursery, restaurant, café and bar facilities, studio/workshops, gallery space, car parking and ancillary engineering works.


Mr Paul Williamson, the case officer, addressed the Forum, providing more detail regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.  Mr Williamson explained that the site covered 3.5 hectares and was the conversion and redevelopment of the site.  Mr Williamson outlined the extensive planning history in regards to this site and noted that the last planning application was approved subject to a Legal Agreement and planning conditions in September 2014.


Mr Williamson highlighted various aspects to the applications, namely

·         The principle of the development

·         The retention of the listed buildings

·         The consideration of transportation

·         The provision of drainage


The Forum then heard from Jon Scordia, Cooper Cromer Architects, acting on behalf of the applicant, who outlined the proposal in greater detail and responded to questions from members.  Mr Scordia explained that within the new proposal, twelve listed buildings would be saved and re-used on the site, compared to 11 on the previous application.  Members asked if an area would be set up to show the 200 year history of the site.  Mr Scordia explained that certain artefacts were discovered which can be retained and displayed and it was hoped that a history area would be developed.  Members also asked about the lack of affordable housing within the proposed development and Mr Lorimer explained that following agreement from Scottish Ministers with the previous application, affordable housing was not required.  Mr Lorimer indicated that the proposal would include mixed use accommodation.  Finally members enquired about the retention of the two chimneys and tower block.  Mr Scordia indicated that one of the key elements of the application was the heritage of the site and it was vitally important to the applicant to retain the history.  Mr Scordia intimated they were investigating at present how the chimneys and tower could be used for the new development to reinforce its landmark status.


Mr Scordia advised that they had undertaken public consultation during December 2015 which generated useful ideas and outlined some concerns.


The report recommended:-

that the Forum-

(a)       note the key issues identified;

(b)       if necessary seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)        identify relevant issues which it would like the applicants to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)           to request that the applicant consider investigating the access points for traffic to help improve the flow of traffic, as well as sustainable transportation opportunities and improvements to the local roads network;

(ii)        to request that the applicant consider investigating and using Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or other low carbon technologies for the development;

(iii)       to request that the applicant use the listed buildings as a dominant feature in the development;

(iv)       to request that the applicant consider the delivery of a Mixed Use development  and not just private rented flats, as well as the delivery of student accommodation; and

(v)        to otherwise note the key issues at this stage.


Supporting documents: