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Agenda item

92-130 John Street, Aberdeen - 160879

Planning Officer:  Andrew Miller  


The Forum had before it a report by the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Downing Students (Aberdeen) Limited Partnership Incorporated, for a proposed redevelopment of a site for purpose built student accommodation, ancillary facilities and associated infrastructure works at 92-130 John Street, Aberdeen.


The report advised that the site comprises a largely vacant plot of land on John Street adjacent to the Woolmanhill Halls of Residence of Robert Gordon University.  The site includes the Lumsden Security Locksmith premises and areas previously occupied by now demolished tenement buildings, with commercial uses at ground floor and the former Ambassador Snooker Club.  The surrounding area contains a mix of uses, with residential flats of mainly four stories in height to the north and east, Woolmanhill Halls of Residence to the west and the vacant Robert Gordon University building to the south.


The Forum heard from Callum Fraser (Holder Planning, Planning Agents), George Tyson (Downing Group, Applicant) and Paul Harkin (Fletcher Joseph Associates, Architect), who outlined the proposal in detail and responded to questions from members.  They explained that the proposed development was on a vacant brownfield site, approximately 24 minutes’ walk to the university campus which has bus links to RGU campus at Garthdee.  The site was close to transport hubs, attractions and local amenities.  Reference was made to a previous application for an international style 182 bedroom hotel which was approved by Committee in 2013.  Paul Harken advised that the key considerations were as follows:-


  • High quality development;
  • Fill gap site currently left derelict and reinforces John Street frontage;
  • Encourages footfall along John Street;
  • Introduction of public realm and sheltered courtyard providing green haven in city;
  • Feature landmark tower which responds to the visible location whilst avoiding impact on the view to the Bastille;
  • Terminates vista from Union Street, signals start of John Street and frames view to the Bastille;
  • Responds to the scale and height of adjacent residential properties; and
  • Contemporary but sensitive material palette.


Mr Andrew Miller, the case officer, addressed the Forum and provided more details regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.  Mr Miller explained that the proposal at this stage has no specific number of units proposed, although the threshold for ‘Major’ scale development within which such a proposal would fall is 5,000m2 or more of floor space created, given that the site is less than 2ha in size.  He indicated that pre-application discussions have been ongoing between planning officers and the applicant/agents.  The proposal will need to demonstrate compliance with relevant policies within the Aberdeen Local Development Plan.  Any parking provision needed to be in accordance with standards set out in the Transport and Accessibility Supplementary Guidance, though consideration should also be given to low/zero car development where the development is in close proximity to public transport links.


Mr Miller advised that the applicant proposed to carry out a public consultation event at Aberdeen Central Library on 17 August 2016, with publicity in the Evening Express a week prior, posters in proximity of the site and a mail drop to properties close to the site would be undertaken.  Consultation would also be undertaken with George Street, City Centre and Rosemount and Mile End Community Councils.


Following questions from members, it was noted that the proposal due to its proximity to public transport links would have no need for parking spaces, although it was anticipated that there would be two bays for disabled badge holders and there would be access for service vehicles and drop-offs in the central courtyard area.


Mr Harkin indicated that the student occupation of the development would be approximately 350 to 375.


It was noted that the massing of the building (8 storeys) would be appropriate to the street frontage, similar to that of the RGU building, with sufficient daylight getting in to the development.  Flood and drainage system details would follow in due course.



The report recommended:-

that the Forum -

(a)          note the key issues identified at this stage;

(b)          if necessary seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)          identify relevant issues which members would like the applicants to consider and address in any future applications.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)            to request that aspects relating to the historical ownership of the site be incorporated within the development;

(ii)          to request that disabled spaces be included within the development; and

(iii)         to thank Callum Fraser, George Tyson and Paul Harkin for their presentation.

Supporting documents: