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Agenda item

17 University Road - Subdivision and Erection of 3 Bedroom Dwelling - 151150


With reference to Article 3 of the minute of meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 11 February 2016, wherein it had been agreed to visit the site, the Committee had before it a report by the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Committee approve the application for planning permission subject to the following conditions:-


(1)          that the dwellinghouse hereby approved shall not be occupied unless provision has been made within the site for the off-street parking of motor vehicles in complete accordance with Plan No. 1786-PL002-revD or such other scheme as may be subsequently approved in writing by the planning authority - in the interests of road safety, the free flow of traffic and visual amenity.


(2)          that the building hereby approved shall not be occupied unless a scheme detailing compliance with the Council's 'Low and Zero Carbon Buildings' supplementary guidance has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, and any recommended measures specified within that scheme for the reduction of carbon emissions have been implemented in full - to ensure that this development complies with requirements for reductions in carbon emissions specified in the City Council's relevant published Supplementary Guidance document, 'Low and Zero Carbon Buildings'.


(3)          that no development pursuant to this planning permission shall take place, nor shall any part of the development hereby approved be occupied, unless there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, a detailed scheme of site and plot boundary enclosures for the entire development hereby granted planning permission.  The dwelling hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless the said scheme has been implemented in its entirety - in order to preserve the amenity of the neighbourhood.


(4)          that no development shall take place unless a scheme of all drainage works designed to meet the requirements of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and thereafter no part of the development shall be occupied unless the drainage has been installed in complete accordance with the said scheme - in order to safeguard water qualities in adjacent watercourses and to ensure that the development can be adequately drained.





It is recommended that no construction or demolition work take place:

(a)          outwith the hours of 0700-1900 hours Mondays to Fridays;

(b)          outwith the hours of 0900-1600 hours Saturdays; or

(c)          at any time on Sundays, except (on all days) for works inaudible outwith the application site boundary - in the interests of residential amenity and preventing noise nuisance.


The Committee heard from the planning officer in relation to the application, following which members asked various questions.


The Committee resolved:-

to refuse the recommendation on the following grounds:-

(1)          Use of materials (zinc) inappropriate for a property within the conservation area; and

(2)          Density and massing of development including the subdivision of the feu is inappropriate for the area and would set a precedent.


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