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Agenda item

North Last Quarry - 151407

Planning Reference – 151407


The documents associated with this application can be found at –


Planning Officer -  Paul Williamson



The Forum had before it a report by Planning and Sustainable Development on submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Leiths (Scotland) Limited for a major development including continuation of existing quarry and proposed extension, deepening and storage of overburden material at North Lasts Quarry, Peterculter, Aberdeen.


The Forum heard from George Stewart, Johnson Poole and Bloomer (Scotland), acting on behalf of the applicant.  Mr Stewart explained that a pre-application consultation event was presently being held at Culter Village Hall, Peterculter and would finish at 7.00pm tonight. The leaflet circulated to members would be available at the public event and would be inviting comments from those in attendance. Three local community councils had been notified of the event and it was advertised in the Aberdeen Citizen newspaper.


Mr Stewart provided an overview on previous applications which had been granted since 1976, with the most recent permission being granted in 2015 for a two hectare extension to open out the working area to ensure a continuation of quarrying and to allow the applicant time to prepare a major application within which a longer term development plan for the quarry could be established. He outlined the current proposals which would seek planning permission to quarry approximately 4 million tonnes of rock in total over a period of 30 years. In doing so, the quarry would then fall under the terms of section 74 of the Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and a periodic review would be required after 15 years. In addition Mr Stewart explained that the overburden which overlies the rock reserve contains a quantity of sand which the applicant intends to process for sale.


Mr Stewart referred to the Aberdeen Local Development Plan adopted in 2012 which identified North Lasts Quarry as a site suitable for ongoing minerals extraction as it was considered to be a least sensitive area offering economically workable mineral deposits.


In response to member’s questions, Mr Stewart advised that there were a total of ten people employed at the Quarry site and an additional five were also employed as drivers. He indicated that approximately 260,000 tonnes of recoverable sand could be processed at the site for six to ten years should planning permission be granted. In terms of the traffic which was generated by quarrying operations, the recovery of sand would increase vehicle movements from four to five or six in total per hour. Sand washing would be undertaken within the quarry site which may be used for the production of the Western Peripheral Route. Finally Mr Stewart indicated that the frequency of blasting at the quarry is ultimately one or two per month and that is currently monitored in conjunction with BP and controlled by a planning condition.


Mr Paul Williamson, the case officer, then addressed the Forum, providing more detail regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.  Mr Williamson explained that the proposal sought to extend the depth of the quarry, to a depth of 48 m Above Ordnance Datum.  The proposal would also include the provision of screening along the B979.  The lifespan of the quarry is ultimately expected to be until 2046, an additional 21 years beyond the existing permission. 


Mr Williamson indicated that the land was currently allocated within the Green Belt within the Aberdeen Local Development Plan, as well as forming opportunity site OP56 for ongoing mineral extraction.   These allocations are carried forward into the Proposed Local Development Plan, and Opportunity Site 44.


Mr Williamson advised that the main issues associated with any forthcoming planning application were likely to include:-

-       The principle of the development and any potential conflicts with existing adjacent uses and the wider landscape character of the area.  In particular are policies NE2 Green Belt;  R1 Minerals; and D6 Landscaper;

-       The provision of adequate supporting information in the form of an Environmental Impact Assessment;

-       The requirement to adhere to Scottish Planning Policy in maintaining an adequate supply of minerals for construction for a period of at least 10 years;

-       Any potential transportation impact and compliance with policy  T1 of the Local Development Plan;

-       Potential impacts upon water quality, drainage and flooding;

-       Potential impact on existing trees and woodlands; and

-       Any potential impact on residential amenity, from blasting and other quarrying activities.


In response to questions from members, Mr Williamson advised that there was a single dwelling at North Lasts Manor and 5 steadings nearby; that a transport statement would accompany the planning application and that there would be prior notification of planned blasting to BP and Shell UK, whom operate pipelines in the vicinity of the site.


The report recommended:-

that the Forum -

(a)       note the key issues identified;

(b)       if necessary seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)        identify relevant issues which it would like the applicants to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)         to request that the applicant consider undertaking a survey of the current numbers of HGV’s in the area prior to the completion of the Western Peripheral Route;

(ii)        to request that the applicant consider the introduction of ladders for migrating fish and also the impact which the application may have on otters located in the nearby burns;

(iii)       to request that the applicant ensures that the appropriate measures are taken to address the issue of airborne dust being blown onto nearby roads; and

(iv)       to request that the applicant consider the establishment of a Quarry Fund which contributes to local communities.



Supporting documents: