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Agenda item

Housing Access Centre - Homelessness Options




The Convener intimated that she had directed in terms of Section 50(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the Committee consider the following item as a matter of urgency to enable the Committee to consider homeless accommodation options following the Council’s decision in relation to Aberdon House.




With reference to article 18 of the minute of the meeting of this Committee of  11 January, 2010, and article 8 of the minute of the meeting of Council of 10 February 2010, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Housing and Environment which highlighted the conclusions and findings of the Homelessness Accommodation feasibility study by property consultant, Robinson Low Francis (RFL), on four different properties under Council ownership to determine the property or properties best meeting the Council’s needs to provide temporary accommodation to persons presenting themselves as homeless.


By way of background the report advised that the Council required to increase the provision of temporary accommodation to meet the 2012 deadline for the abolition of priority need, and to reduce its reliance on unsuitable Bed and Breakfast accommodation. To this end, officers had embarked on a review of the asset management of temporary accommodation provision. Also, in this regard the report highlighted that Council on the 10 February 2010 approved the use of Aberdon House as a temporary accommodation unit for persons who had experienced the loss of accommodation subject to the necessary statutory permissions being secured (Houses in Multiple Occupation - HMO Licence). Council had also agreed that relets to homeless households would be increased to 75% for a three month period.


With regards the feasibility report produced by the consultants (attached as appendix 1 to the report) it was highlighted that the study had recommended the use of Aberdon House as a short term solution and the redevelopment of Victoria House as a long term solution to meet the statutory requirements of the Homelessness service by increasing the supply of temporary accommodation for people who find themselves homeless in the city.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee-

(a)       approve the recommendations in the Feasibility Study by Robinson Low Francis (RLF) which would develop the preferred short term and long term options outlined in the executive summary: -

  • Short term option - Provide a temporary accommodation unit at Aberdon House pending redevelopment of the property for new build housing;
  • Long term option - Provide a purpose built Housing Access Centre on the site of the existing property at Victoria House;

(b)       make provision in the Housing Capital Programme for 2010/11 for the acquisition of Aberdon House and execute the minor repairs to meet the Housing in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence requirements as highlighted by Robinson Low Francis (RLF); and

(c)        make provision in the Housing Capital Programme for 2011/12 for the acquisition and development of the Victoria House option, and to request officers to bring forward detailed costs, conceptual plans, and funding mechanisms to the Housing and Environment Committee at its meeting on 25 May 2010.


The Committee heard from the Convener who indicated that she would be moving a revised set of recommendations as follows:-

that the Committee -

(i)         note the Feasibility Study;

(ii)        agree to provide an allocation from the Housing Capital Programme for 2010/2011 (a) for the acquisition of Aberdon House at a cost of £550,000; and (b) in order to undertake minor repairs to fulfil the HMO licence requirements at an appropriate cost of £100,000;

(iii)       instruct officers to bring forward a report which would include detailed costs, conceptual plans and funding mechanisms in relation to the new build option to provide 35 units at the Victoria House site, to this Committee at its meeting on 25 May, 2010; and

(iv)       request officers to report back at every committee cycle to the progress of Croft House, 74-78 Spring Garden, Aberdon House, Victoria House and with options for future alternative uses for these sites


In terms of the findings and recommendations of the feasibility study, the Committee expressed concern regarding the paragraph detailing that the development costs would be reduced by the acquisition and release of assets following the closure of obsolete/surplus temporary accommodation either at 95 Bon Accord Street, 77/79 Bon Accord Street, and/or 165 Crown Street at a future date, as no decision had been taken on this matter. It was however noted that the Committee at this stage were just noting the study and were not making any decisions related to the findings or recommendations contained therein. Also, at this point in the discussion the Convener made reference to Victoria House and in particular to the Council’s planning policy which encouraged the retention of granite buildings such as Victoria House, and that should demolition of such a building be granted to enable the site to be used for a new build facility; it would still be expected that the principal elevations of the new build would be formed with granite, either new or old.


Members also discussed extensively and asked questions of officers regarding the future management arrangements of Aberdon House and also of the consultation process to be undertaken with local residents prior to and throughout the operation of Aberdon House as a temporary accommodation unit for persons who had experienced the loss of accommodation. During this discussion members highlighted the importance of all local members being involved in and updated on the consultation arrangements (where appropriate).


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the revised recommendations as moved by the Convener.

Supporting documents: