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Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Greig

That this Council:


1.            Believes that the best way to promote peace and harmony in the world is to build cultural, academic and economic bridges.

2.            Rejects any attempts to drive individuals, families and legitimate businesses away from Aberdeen on grounds of race, religion or country of origin and condemns any organisation that pursues such a policy.


With reference to Article 27 of the minute of its meeting of 14 December 2016, the Council had before it the following notice of motion by Councillor Greig:-


            That this Council:-

(1)       believes that the best way to promote peace and harmony in the world is to build cultural, academic and economic bridges; and

(2)       rejects any attempts to drive individuals, families and legitimate businesses away from Aberdeen on grounds of race, religion or country of origin and condemns any organisation that pursues such a policy.


Councillor Laing indicated that she had an amendment in the following terms:-

            That this Council:-

(1)      condemns unequivocally racism, xenophobia and hate crimes and believes that these have no place in this, or any other country;

(2)      takes pride that Aberdeen is a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and multicultural city in which everyone can contribute to the local community and economy irrespective of race, gender, religion or social background; and

(3)      commits itself to:-

(i)        continue to work with others to tackle and prevent racism, xenophobia and hate crimes.

(ii)       maintain Aberdeen as a welcoming and friendly international destination.


Councillor Greig moved, seconded by Councillor Delaney:-

            That this Council:-

(1)       believes that the best way to promote peace and harmony in the world is to build cultural, academic and economic bridges;

(2)       rejects any attempts to drive individuals, families and legitimate businesses away from Aberdeen on grounds of race, religion or country of origin and condemns any organisation that pursues such a policy;

(3)       condemns unequivocally racism, xenophobia and hate crimes and believes that these have no place in this, or any other country;

(4)      takes pride that Aberdeen is a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and multicultural city in which everyone can contribute to the local community and economy irrespective of race, gender, religion or social background; and

(5)      commits itself to:-

(i)        continue to work with others to tackle and prevent racism, xenophobia and hate crimes.

(ii)       maintain Aberdeen as a welcoming and friendly international destination.


Councillor Laing moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Flynn:-

That this Council:-

(1)       condemns unequivocally racism, xenophobia and hate crimes and believes that these have no place in this, or any other country;

(2)       takes pride that Aberdeen is a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and multicultural city in which everyone can contribute to the local community and economy irrespective of race, gender, religion or social background; and

(3)       commits itself to:-

(i)        continue to work with others to tackle and prevent racism, xenophobia and hate crimes.

(ii)       maintain Aberdeen as a welcoming and friendly international destination.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion  (5)  -  Councillors Boulton, Delaney, Greig, Reynolds and Yuill.


For the amendment  (39)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Allard, Alphonse, Bell, Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Donnelly, Jackie Dunbar, Lesley Dunbar, Duncan, Flynn, Graham, Grant, Henrickson, Houghton, Hunt, Hutchison, Imrie, John, Laing, Lumsden, Macdonald, MacGregor, Avril MacKenzie, Catriona MacKenzie, McLellan, McRae, Malik, Nicoll, Noble, Samarai, Sellar, Sandy Stuart, Townson and Wheeler.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the amendment.