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Agenda item

Wider discussion on Recent Trends on Alcohol Consumption


The joint meeting heard from Heather Wilson who provided an update on the latest Scottish health statistics.  Ms Wilson advised that Aberdeen was climbing the league table for alcohol related stays in hospital and were currently sitting at 6th in the league table.  She advised that for this year the admission rates were worse that the Scottish average and that there had been a 33% increase in alcohol related deaths.  She commented that Scotland as a whole is badly placed compared to the rest of the UK and compared to Western Europe.  Finally she advised that 74% of alcohol is purchased for consumption at home.


Councillor Greig considered that it would be useful for the Board to have more analysis for these figures, looking at the reasons why there has been an increase in alcohol related deaths, cases studies on domestic violence and the off sale trade for example.


Miriam Smith advised that there is some data available for social work regarding the number of looked after children where alcohol is a contributing factor and attempts could be made to map this data.


Following a general discussion regarding the statistics and how Aberdeen compared to other cities, it was concluded that it would be beneficial for the Licensing Board to receive a dedicated workshop from NHS Grampian on Alcohol consumption trends.


Paul Clarkson commented that many of the statistics related to off-sales but he felt that the on trade were bearing the majority of the responsibility.


Ms Wilson advised that the NHS’ position was that any increase in availability was detrimental to health.   Shamini Omnes advised that the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership were carrying out a health impact assessment on the statement of licensing policy.  This involved a mixture of interviews and focus groups with people across the city over the last 2 months with support from Corporate Public Health, NHS Gramp9ian and would welcome input from the trade as soon as possible.


Inspector McGeough commented that preloading was an issue for Police Scotland and acknowledged that this is an issue for the on trade. 


Councillor Donnelly highlighted that the Board were aware of the economic downturn and asked about the number of patrons refused entry to premises because of intoxication.


Emily Queen advised that there was good practice across the city and that there was a variety of methods used to record refusals including manually and at till points.  She advised that best bar none and Unight would be willing to come to the Board to discuss these practices with the Board.


Councillor McLellan asked the trade representatives what customers were looking for in terms of licensing hours.


Sarah Wheeler considered that there was a move away from the traditional nightclub and that people were looking for longer hours in bars and lounge bars where they could enjoy music and entertainment.   Nicola Johnston agreed that there are a large number of international students who have a different attitude to alcohol and are more interested in the social aspects and are looking to stay in bars longer.  


The Joint Meeting resolved:-

That NHS Grampian and Licensing staff arrange a workshop on Alcohol trends for Members of the Licensing Board.