Agenda item
Disposal of Former Victoria Road School - referred by Finance, Policy and Resources Committee of 1 February 2018
(A) In accordance with Article 6 of this minute, the Council received a deputation from Mr David Fryer, Mr David Murray and Mr Alastair Walker on behalf of Torry Development Trust (TDT).
Mr Fryer advised that TDT was well placed to build upon the Council’s agreed policy declaration not to support the demolition of the school buildings at Victoria Road, and that the TDT project aimed to meet local needs which weaved together restoration, innovation and enterprise. He added that the TDT project was based upon reprovisioning the two granite buildings sympathetically coupled with new mixed tenure affordable housing to meet current and future housing needs in Torry.
Mr Fryer emphasised that TDT was not just words - they had an image which was the start of how they were developing their ideas with the aim of creating a new silver green heart for Torry. He highlighted that TDT was a member of the Development Trust Association for Scotland (DTAS) and Scotland’s Towns Partnership, with both organisations providing support and a growing number of independent experts advising TDT on a pro-bono basis, who told them what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to hear.
Mr Murray explained that he was an Architect, as well as a Director of TDT, and that he had been supporting the community in Torry since 2013. He referred to the decision of the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee of 1 December 2017, when TDT had been allowed to put together a proposal for the site, with TDT reporting back to the Committee at its meeting of 1 February 2018 with significant progress having been made.
Mr Murray advised that three project opportunities had been identified since 1 February 2018, and that all options were still on the table. He added they were beginning to focus on a project with an emphasis on affordable housing but with other elements as well. He stated that TDT had overseen an inspection of the building with a structural engineer’s report submitted. Initial sketch proposals had been prepared but they were not definitive at this stage - Mr Murray stated that they were looking forward to genuine public consultation being undertaken with the community.
Mr Murray highlighted that DTAS had produced a project specific funding report which identified several different strands of funding that may be available to TDT. He added that a quantity surveyor was currently carrying out an initial cost appraisal, and that discussions had taken place with Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership on the potential for them to be involved in the project. Mr Murray advised that discussions had also taken place with Grampian Housing Association and a draft memorandum was being prepared.
Mr Walker summarised the property market in Aberdeen, which he described as dire, although he acknowledged that there were some green shoots of recovery. He advised that since late 2014 prices had fallen by around 25% in the residential sector. Mr Walker argued against the merits of demolishing the existing granite buildings and rebuilding on the site, claiming that what would be built in their place would be very inferior, would not be sympathetic to the local area and with a low probability of any new build being there in 50 years. He emphasised that property developers would not be in it for the good of the Council or the local community, they would be there to make a profit which meant cutting corners and building as cheaply as possible.
Regarding the prospect of new build flats, Mr Walker anticipated that the demand would not be that great in Torry, particularly with new build prices being 25% above the second-hand market. Mr Walker explained that over 50% of the properties his company managed were buy-to-let not owner occupied, therefore new build flats would lead to a transient population.
Mr Walker underlined that Torry deserved better as an ancient royal burgh and that retention of the existing granite buildings was the best option for the community.
Mr Fryer concluded that TDT were uniquely placed to work with Grampian Housing Association to create a development which would prioritise local housing needs through an agreed local lettings criteria for local families in Torry. Mr Fryer called upon the Council to give TDT 65 days to complete their project within the six months they had asked for on 1 December 2017.
Members asked questions of the deputation and thanked them for their contribution.
At this juncture, Councillor Delaney declared an interest by virtue of his membership of the Board of Grampian Housing Association which had been mentioned by the deputation. Councillor Delaney stated that he had no knowledge of any discussions that may have taken place between TDT and Grampian Housing Association and therefore considered that the nature of his interest did not require him to leave the meeting.
(B) With reference to Article 22 of the minute of meeting of the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee of 1 February 2018, which had been referred to it for consideration by nine members of the Committee in terms of Standing Order 31.1, the Council had before it (1) a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing which provided an update on discussions with TDT following the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 1 December 2017, and sought approval to market the site with a view to the property being brought back into economic use; and (2) the decision of the Committee which was as follows:-
(i) to instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to openly market the site with the aspiration that proposals from interested parties must seek to retain as much of the buildings on the site as possible; and
(ii) to note that the outcome of the marketing exercise would be brought back to the most appropriate committee before the summer recess.
Councillor Delaney, having earlier declared an interest by virtue of his membership of the Board of Grampian Housing Association, advised that he had reviewed the position and considered that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting and take no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon.
Councillor Lumsden moved, seconded by the Depute Provost:-
That the Council -
(1) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to openly market the site with the aspiration that proposals from interested parties must seek to retain as much of the buildings on the site as possible; and
(2) note that the outcome of the marketing exercise would be brought back to the appropriate committee after the summer recess.
Councillor Nicoll moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Yuill:-
That the Council -
(1) delay marketing the site meantime; and
(2) extend the period of discussion with TDT to 1 June 2018, to allow them to bring back proposals to develop the site.
On a division, there voted:-
For the motion (23) - Lord Provost, Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Bell, Boulton, Lesley Dunbar, Duncan, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Hunt, Imrie, John, Laing, Lumsden, Macdonald, Avril MacKenzie, Malik, Mason MSP, Reynolds, Sellar, Jennifer Stewart and Wheeler.
For the amendment (21) - Councillors Allard, Alphonse, Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, Catriona MacKenzie, McLellan, McRae, Nicoll, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart, Townson and Yuill.
Absent from the division (1) - Councillor Delaney.
The Council resolved:-
to adopt the motion.
Supporting documents:
- Referral to Council, item 14. PDF 85 KB
- Final - Disposal Former Victoria Road School NS, item 14. PDF 92 KB
- Appendix 1 - Former Victoria Road School, item 14. PDF 353 KB
- Appendix 2 - Former Victoria Road School, item 14. PDF 145 KB
- Apendix 3 - Former Victoria Road School, item 14. PDF 28 KB
- Appendix 4 - Former VRS redacted, item 14. PDF 286 KB
- TDT Programme - tabled at FP&R, item 14. PDF 54 KB