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Agenda item

Target Operating Model - Supporting Governance Framework - OCE/18/025


With reference to Article 9 of the minute of its meeting of 11 December 2017, the Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which proposed a governance framework to support the implementation of the Target Operating Model and considered the portfolios, and position within the interim functional structure, of Governance, City Growth and Strategic Place Planning.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)          approve Appendix A - Scheme of Governance Introduction;


Committee Terms of Reference


(b)          approve Appendix B - Committee Terms of Reference - with effect from 1 April 2018;

(c)          approve the disestablishment of the Capital Reference Group which would be replaced with the Capital Programme Sub Committee;

(d)          appoint a Convener and Vice Convener to the committees listed in paragraph 4.3.3 of the report as appropriate;

(e)          set a membership number and political composition for each committee listed in paragraph 4.3.3 of the report based on the figures set out in Appendix H and appoint members thereto, on the basis that names can be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;

(f)           approve the remuneration of the Lord Provost and one post of Council Leader and the allocation, and amount in each case, of senior councillor allowances, on the basis of the guidance contained in paragraphs 4.3.20 to 4.3.22 of the report;

(g)          agree the appointment of the current external members to the Operational Delivery Committee as the committee discharging the education function, as set out at paragraph 4.3.7 of the report;

(h)          appoint all elected members on the Operational Delivery Committee, plus two members per political group, to the School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee;

(i)            approve the appointment of two named local representatives plus two substitutes from each of the recognised trade unions as advisers to the Staff Governance Committee, as set out in paragraphs 4.3.12 to 4.3.15 of the report; and to note the trade union responses in Appendix I;

(j)            agree that each committee, and thereafter Full Council, consider an annual report against each committee’s Terms of Reference in the format of Appendix J;

(k)          approve the diary of meetings from 1 April 2018 to 1 April 2019 attached at Appendix K;


Powers Delegated to Officers


(l)            approve Appendix C - Powers Delegated to Officers - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to recommendation (m);

(m)        instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to seek approval from the Scottish Ministers to amend the Planning Scheme of Delegation under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) - which relates to “Local Developments”;


Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings


(n)          approve Appendix D - Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings - with effect from 1 April 2018;


Financial Regulations


(o)          approve Appendix E - Financial Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018;


Procurement Regulations


(p)          approve Appendix F - Procurement Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to recommendations (q) and (r);

(q)          approve the revised procurement thresholds referred to in paragraph 4.7 of the report and set out within the Procurement Regulations in accordance with the workforce design to empower staff; and agree that the revised thresholds shall take effect from 1 July 2018 and the current procurement thresholds shall remain in place until 30 June 2018;

(r)           instruct the Chief Operating Officer, the Directors of Resources, Commissioning and Customer, the Chief Officer - Governance, Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning and the Chief Officer - City Growth to report to the Strategic Commissioning Committee:

(1)      on 19 June 2018 with procurement workplans detailing all contracts expected to be procured for the remainder of 2018/19 involving expenditure in excess of £50,000 for supplies/services contracts and £250,000 for works contracts to support implementation of the revised procurement thresholds as per recommendation (q); and

(2)      prior to the start of each financial year thereafter, a workplan for the full year ahead;


Member Officer Relations Protocol


(s)          approve Appendix G - Member Officer Relations Protocol - with effect from 1 April 2018;


Civic Leadership


(t)           endorse the values and principles of civic leadership and engagement as set out in Appendix L, noting their alignment with the Target Operating Model Design Principles, agreed by Council in August 2017;

(u)          refer the development of models for civic leadership and engagement to the appropriate committees in order that they might give active consideration to how civic leadership and collaborative decision making could be strengthened within the areas of their responsibility;


Implementation and Monitoring


(v)          agree the delivery of training and development on the Scheme of Governance:

(1)      for elected members, on the weeks commencing 16 and 23 March 2018 and over the following 12 months; and

(2)      for officers, commencing with an event to the third tier on 16 March on the Committee Terms of Reference, in order to embed the revised governance framework in all services;

(w)         instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to report back to Council within 12 months on the operation of the Scheme of Governance documents;


Urban Governance


(x)          note the wider consultation on the development of a new leadership framework for considering the place and people implications of the economic performance of the city;

(y)          approve, in principle, the creation of the co-ordinating structures as follows:

(1)      Infrastructure Group;

(2)      Inclusive Economic Growth Group;

(3)      Internationalisation Group - Export and Trade;

(4)      Internationalisation Group - Inward Investment;

(5)      Energy Hub;

(6)      Smarter Aberdeen (Digital);

(7)      Public Protection; and

(8)      Water, Sewerage and Flood;

(z)          instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to co-design a ‘terms of reference’ for each group set out in recommendation (y) with the proposed members of each group and to report back to Full Council in August 2018 with proposed ‘terms of reference; and


Organisational Design


(aa)       agree that the portfolios and position within the organisational structure of Governance, City Growth, City Planning and the City Centre Masterplan will be as described at section 6 of the report.


Councillor Laing moved, seconded by Councillor Lumsden:-

That the Council -

(1)      approve Appendix A - Scheme of Governance Introduction, subject to the Scheme becoming effective from 6 March 2018;


Committee Terms of Reference


(2)      approve amended Committee Terms of Reference, as circulated;

(3)      agree to amend the Terms of Reference for the City Centre Masterplan Reference Group to 5 elected members one from each group;

(4)      approve the disestablishment of the Capital Reference Group which will be subsumed by the Capital Programme Committee;

(5)      appoint a Convener and Vice Convener, as appropriate, to the committees set out in the Terms of Reference, as appended;

(6)      agree option one set as out in Appendix H (compositions) with the exception of:

a.    the Operational Delivery Committee which will have 13 members;

b.    the Education Operational Delivery Committee which will have 20 members - 13 elected members and 7 external members;

c.    the Appeals Sub Committee which will have 5 members;

d.    the Integration Joint Board which will be amended to 3 administration Councillors and 1 opposition Councillor;

e.    the Strategic Commissioning Committee will be amended to 3 Conservatives, 2 Labour, 3 SNP and 1 Liberal Democrat;

f.     the Planning Development Management Committee will be amended to 2 Independent, 1 Conservative, 2 Labour, 3 SNP and 1 Liberal Democrat;

g.    the Staff Governance Committee will be amended to 3 Labour, 1 Conservative, 1 Independent, 3 SNP and 1 Liberal Democrat;

h.    Councillor Wheeler replaces Councillor Donnelly as Baillie;

(7)      note that the Strategic Transformation Committee will remain as the 5 Group Leaders;

(8)      agree to appoint members to (6) above;

(9)      approve the remuneration of the Lord Provost and one post of Council Leader and the allocation, and amount in each case, of senior councillor allowances, on the basis of the guidance contained in paragraphs 4.3.20 - 4.3.22 of the report;

(10)   agree the appointment of the current external Education representatives to the Education Operational Delivery Committee as the committee discharging the education function, as set out at paragraph 4.3.7 of the report;

(11)   appoint all elected members of Council to the pool from which School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee members are drawn;

(12)   approve the appointment of two named local representatives plus two substitutes from each of the recognised trade unions as advisers to the Staff Governance Committee, as set out in paragraphs 4.3.12 - 4.3.15 of the report;

(13)   agree that each committee and thereafter Full Council considers an annual report against each committee’s terms of reference in the format of appendix J;

(14)   approve the diary of meetings from 1 April 2018 to 1 April 2019 attached at Appendix K, as amended to take account of changes above;


Powers Delegated to Officers


(15)   approve amended Powers Delegated to Officers, as appended and set out in Annex A, subject to (16) below;

(16)   instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to seek approval from the Scottish Ministers to amend the Planning Scheme of Delegation under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) - which relates to “Local Developments”;


Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings


(17)   approve amended Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings, as appended and set out in Annex A;

(18)   approve the appointment of a Business Manager and Depute Business Manager;


Financial Regulations


(19)   approve amended Financial Regulations, as appended and set out in Annex A;


Procurement Regulations


(20)   approve amended Procurement Regulations, as appended and set out in Annex A, subject to (21);

(21)   instruct the Chief Operating Officer, the Directors of Resources, Commissioning and Customer, the Chief Officer - Governance, Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning and the Chief Officer - City Growth to report to the appropriate meeting of the Strategic Commissioning Committee:

(a)      in 2018/19, with procurement workplans detailing all contracts expected to be procured for the remainder of 2018/2019 involving expenditure in excess of £50,000 for supplies/services contracts and £250,000 for works contracts; and

(b)      prior to the start of each financial year thereafter, a workplan for the full year ahead;


Member Officer Relations Protocol


(22)   approve Appendix G - Member Officer Relations Protocol;


Implementation and Monitoring


(23)   agrees the delivery of training and development on the Scheme of Governance:

(a)      for elected members, on the weeks commencing 16 and 23 March 2018 and over the following 12 months; and

(b)      for officers, commencing with an event to the third tier on 16 March on the Committee Terms of Reference, in order to embed the revised governance framework in all services;

(24)   instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to report back to Council within 12 months on the operation of the Scheme of Governance documents;


Civic Leadership and Urban Governance


(25)   endorse the values and principles of civic leadership and engagement as set out in Appendix L, noting their alignment with the Target Operating Model Design Principles, agreed by Council in August 2017;

(26)   note the wider consultation on the development of a new leadership framework for considering the place and people implications of the economic performance of the city;

(27)   approve, in principle, the creation of the coordinating structures as follows:

Infrastructure Group;

Inclusive Economic Growth Group;

Internationalisation Group - Export and Trade;

Internationalisation Group - Inward Investment;

Energy Hub;

Smarter Aberdeen (Digital);

Public Protection; and

Water, Sewerage and Flood;

(28)   instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to co-design a ‘terms of reference’ for each group set out in (27) above taking into consideration how Civic Leadership and Urban Governance can help our city to build a future - prosperous and successful, which makes a real difference to the everyday lives of all its citizens, with a report back to Full Council in December 2018 with proposed ‘terms of reference’ and proposed members of each group;


Organisational Design


(29)   agree that the portfolios and position within the organisational structure of Governance, City Growth, City Planning and the City Centre Masterplan will be as described at section 6 of the report; and

(30)   (a) note the decision of the Strategic Transformation Committee on 9 February 2018 regarding migration to the transitional Target Operating Model;

(b) reaffirm the Administration’s continuing commitment to no compulsory redundancies; and

            (c) instructs the Chief Executive to communicate with all employees confirming the position outlined in (b) above.


Councillor Flynn moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Jackie Dunbar:-

That the Council -

(1)      approve Appendix A - Scheme of Governance Introduction, subject to (2) - (11) below;


Committee Terms of Reference


(2)      (a)  note Appendix B - Committee Terms of Reference;

(b)  regret the proposed removal of an Education Committee and does not believe that the proposed Operational Delivery Committee represents an appropriate forum for decision making on the future of Aberdeen’s children;

(c) express concern that the Operational Delivery Committee Terms of Reference indicate that its scope may ultimately be greater than that of the current Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee;

(d) further note that at page 4, point 13 of Appendix B, all committees are subject to the overarching remit of the Strategic Transformation Committee, regret that just five elected members sit on this Committee, agree that this remit should rest with Council itself and accordingly agree to disband that Committee with immediate effect;

(e)  welcome the establishment of the proposed Staff Governance Committee, Public Protection Committee and Capital Programme Sub Committee; 

(f)  agree to continue the existing committee structure for one further cycle, with dates of meetings to be agreed by the Chief Officer - Governance, following consultation with Group Leaders; and

(g)  instruct the Chief Executive to develop Terms of Reference for the Committee structure below and report these for approval to the next meeting of Full Council, the date of which will be determined by the Chief Officer - Governance:-

1.         Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee;

2.         Education Committee:

·           to have powers deriving from those proposed for the Strategic Commissioning Committee and the Operational Delivery Committee, and to instruct the Chief Executive to report to the next meeting of Full Council on the appointment of a pupil representative to the Committee, to be selected by Aberdeen Pupil Voice; and

·           on this basis, to instruct the Chief Officer - Governance, when identifying dates/times for meetings of the structure which would be reported to the next meeting of Full Council as per (2)(g) above, to consult with the Group Leaders on the date/time of the Education Committee to ensure the meetings proposed facilitated the attendance of the Pupil Voice representative at no detriment to their schooling;

3.         Housing and Communities Committee;

4.         Infrastructure and Environment Committee;

5.         Licensing Committee;

6.         Licensing Sub Committee;

7.         Planning Development Management Committee;

8.         Pensions Committee;

9.         Public Protection;

10.      Staff Governance;

11.      Appeals Sub Committee;

12.      Strategic Policy and Resources Committee;

13.      Capital Programme Sub Committee;

14.      Urgent Business Committee;

15.      Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee.         

·         With the remit of the proposed Strategic Commissioning Committee being allocated to the above committees as appropriate.

(3)      approve the disestablishment of the Capital Reference Group which will be replaced with the Capital Programme Sub Committee;

(4)      defer appointments of Convener and Vice Conveners to the next meeting of Full Council as per (2)(g) above and agree that the current Conveners and Vice Conveners remain for a further cycle at the existing remuneration;

(5)      agree the following membership numbers for committees and sub committees:-

1.         Education - 15 plus 7 external members, with the option that a pupil representative be added subject to the report at (2)(g) above;

2.         Infrastructure and Environment - 15;   

3.         Housing and Communities - 15;

4.         Strategic Policy and Resources - 15;

5.         Audit, Risk and Scrutiny - 15;

6.         Licensing - 15;

7.         Planning Development Management - 15;

8.         Staff Governance - 11 plus 12 advisers, being the two representatives for each recognised trade union as set out at recommendation (i) within the report;

9.         Public Protection - 11;

10.      Pensions - 11;

11.      Urgent Business - 11;

12.      Capital Programme Sub - 9;

13.      Appeals Sub - 9;

14.      Licensing Sub - 9; and

15.      Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee - 3

based on the figures set out in Appendix H and appoint members thereto, on the basis that names can be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;

(6)      defer making a decision on the remuneration of the Lord Provost and one post of Council Leader and the allocation, and amount in each case, of senior councillor allowances until the next meeting of Full Council subject to (2)(g) above;

(7)      agree, when established, the appointment of the current external Education representatives to the Education Committee referred to at (2)(g) above as the committee discharging the education function, as set out at paragraph 4.3.7 of the report;

(8)      appoint, when established, all elected members of the Education Committee, plus two members per political group, to the pool from which members of the School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee are drawn and that the status quo remain meantime;

(9)      approve the appointment of two named local representatives plus two substitutes from each of the recognised trade unions as advisers to the Staff Governance Committee, as set out in paragraphs 4.3.12 - 4.3.15 of the report; and to note the trade union responses in Appendix I;

(10)   does not believe that an annual report against each committee’s Terms of Reference as proposed in Appendix J is required as it simply creates an unnecessary layer of administration and therefore does not approve its production;

(11)   does not approve the diary of meetings from 1 April 2018 to 1 April 2019 attached at Appendix K; and instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to submit a revised diary on the basis of the committee structure outlined at (2)(g) above to the next meeting of Full Council alongside the Terms of Reference;


Powers Delegated to Officers


(12)   approve Appendix C - Powers Delegated to Officers - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to the following amendments:

a.      delete the following powers from the Powers Delegated to Officers and revert to status quo:

1.     General Delegations - powers 23, 38, 39;

2.     Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord - power 14 - page 251 of the report;

b.      delete Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord - power 40 on page 254 of the report;

c.      amend General Delegations power 20 (page 215), to add in “to facilitate Council policy” following the word guidance;

d.      amend General Delegations power 30 (page 215), to the following “To appoint persons to act up as Chief Officers - internal appointees only”;

e.      amend General Delegations power 32 (page 215), to the remove “including, but not”;

f.       amend Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment power 2 (page 220), to insert after “information service”…”following consultation with ward members and Group Leaders”; and

g.      amend Chief Officer - Governance power 17 (page 264), to add in “limited to IJB/NHS staff only”;

(13)   instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to seek approval from the Scottish Ministers to amend the Planning Scheme of Delegation under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) - which relates to “Local Developments”;


Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings


(14)   approve Appendix D - Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings - with effect from 1April 2018, subject to deleting Standing Order 30.1 as it stands and replacing it with the following:

30.1    After four Members from the Administration and four Members from the Opposition have spoken (including the movers and seconders of motions and amendments), any Member who has not spoken can move as a Procedural Motion that no further debate take place;


Financial Regulations


(15)   approves Appendix E - Financial Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018;


Procurement Regulations


(16)   approve Appendix F - Procurement Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to the proposed procurement thresholds referred to in paragraph 4.7 being deleted and the current procurement thresholds remaining in place;

(17)   instruct the Chief Operating Officer, the Directors of Resources, Commissioning and Customer, the Chief Officer - Governance, Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning and the Chief Officer - City Growth to report in due course to the relevant Committees as outlined at (2)(g) above as appropriate:

(a)      with procurement workplans relevant to each particular Committee detailing all contracts expected to be procured for the remainder of 2018/2019 involving expenditure in excess of £50,000 for supplies/services contracts and £250,000 for works contracts; and

(b)      prior to the start of each financial year thereafter, a workplan for the full year ahead;


Member Officer Relations Protocol


(18)   approve Appendix G - Member Officer Relations Protocol - with effect from 1April 2018;


Civic Leadership


(19)   agree with the values and principles detailed in Appendix L, noting that a greater dialogue between the people of Aberdeen and Aberdeen City Council is welcome;

(20)   further believe that the Council Co-Leaders and Conveners of all committees should attend an open public meeting to be held at least every quarter of the calendar year to afford the public the opportunity to question their elected representatives in an open and fully accessible forum;

(21)   note with concern that an overlap appears to exist between the role of the political leadership of the Council, being the Co-Leaders, and the civic leadership of the Council, being the Lord Provost;

(22)   further note that at point 4.9.2 of the report that (1) Civic leadership should be led by community and business representatives; (2) Political Leadership should be led by elected representatives; and (3) Executive Leadership by organisational/management leaders, therefore agree that all future Civic Leadership delivery involving the Council will have the elected political leadership of the Council at its fore, rather than the civic leadership of the Council;


Implementation and Monitoring


(23)   agree the delivery of training and development for elected members and officers on the Scheme of Governance;

(24)   instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to report back to Council within 12 months from the implementation of the new committee structure on the operation of the Scheme of Governance documents;


Urban Governance


(25)   note the wider consultation on the development of a new leadership framework for considering the place and people implications of the economic performance of the city;

(26)   approve, in principle, the creation of the coordinating structures as follows, noting that the composition is not exhaustive:

a.              Infrastructure Group;

b.              Inclusive Economic Growth Group;

c.               Internationalisation Group - Export and Trade;

d.              Internationalisation Group - Inward Investment;

e.              Energy Hub;

f.                Smarter Aberdeen (Digital);

g.              Public Protection; and

h.              Water, Sewerage and Flood;

(27)   instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to co-design a ‘terms of reference’ for each group set out in (26) above with the proposed members of each group, including third sector organisations, and to report back to Full Council in two cycles with proposed ‘terms of reference’;


Organisational Design


(28)   agree that the portfolios and position within the organisational structure of Governance, City Growth and City Planning will be as described at section 6 of the report; and

(29)   agree that the City Centre Masterplan Reference Group be retained on the basis of its existing Terms of Reference and membership as approved by Council on 23 August 2017.


Councillor Yuill moved as a second amendment, seconded by Councillor Delaney:-

That the Council -

(1)      approve Appendix A - Scheme of Governance Introduction, subject to (2), (3) and (24) below;


Committee Terms of Reference


(2)      does not approve Appendix B - Committee Terms of Reference - and instructs the Chief Executive to extend the existing committee structure for one further cycle, with dates of meetings to be confirmed by the Chief Officer - Governance following consultation with Group Leaders;

(3)      instruct the Chief Executive to report to the next Council meeting providing remits, and amended Scheme of Governance documents as appropriate, based on a committee structure comprising:-

·           Policy and Resources Committee (with Staff Governance Sub Committee, Appeals Sub Committee and Capital Programme Sub Committee);

·           Education Committee;

·           Environment, Transport and Housing Committee;

·           Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee;

·           Public Protection Committee;

·           Planning Development Management Committee;

·           Licensing Committee (with Licensing Sub Committee);

·           Pensions Committee;

·           Urgent Business Committee; and

·           Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee

with the remits of the proposed Strategic Commissioning Committee being allocated to the above committees as appropriate and the remit of the Strategic Transformation Committee transferring to the Policy and Resources Committee;

(4)      defer meantime;

(5)      defer meantime;

(6)      defer meantime;

(7)      agree the appointment, when established, of the current external members to the Education Committee, as set out at paragraph 4.3.7 of the report;

(8)      appoint, when established, all elected members on the Education Committee, plus two members per political group, to the pool from which members of the School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee are drawn;

(9)      approve, when established, the appointment of two named local representatives plus two substitutes from each of the recognised trade unions as advisers to the Staff Governance Sub Committee, as set out in paragraphs 4.3.12 - 4.3.15 of the report; and to note the trade union responses in Appendix I;

(10)   agree that each committee, and thereafter Full Council, consider an annual report against each committee’s Terms of Reference in the format of Appendix J;

(11)   instruct the Chief Executive to report to the next Council meeting setting out a diary of meetings for 2018/19 for the committee structure referred to at (3) above;


Powers Delegated to Officers


(12)   approve Appendix C - Powers Delegated to Officers - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to (13) except that procurement thresholds remain unchanged;

(13)   instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to seek approval from the Scottish Ministers to amend the Planning Scheme of Delegation under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) - which relates to “Local Developments”;


Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings


(14)   approve Appendix D - Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings - with effect from 1 April 2018, except as follows:

39. Length of Meetings


39.1        The Convener can call a break in proceedings at any time.


39.2        Meetings will last no longer than six hours and in any event will cease at 6.30pm.


39.2.1    For the avoidance of doubt, the calculation of six hours will include any adjournments.


39.3        Any procedural motion to suspend Standing Order 39.2 must specify the time at which the meeting will conclude.


39.3.1    It will be competent before that time to propose a further extension.


39.4       If the meeting is adjourned to another date, the Convener, following consultation with the Clerk, will determine the time and date that the meeting will resume;


Financial Regulations


(15)   approve Appendix E - Financial Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018, except that financial thresholds delegated to officers remain unchanged;


Procurement Regulations


(16)   approve Appendix F - Procurement Regulations - with effect from 1 April 2018, subject to (17), (18) and (19) below;

(17)   does not approve the revised procurement thresholds referred to in paragraph 4.7 of the report;

(18)   instruct the Chief Operating Officer, the Directors of Resources, Commissioning and Customer, the Chief Officer - Governance, Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning and the Chief Officer - City Growth to:

(19)   report to the most appropriate committee meetings with procurement workplans detailing all contracts;


Member Officer Relations Protocol


(20)   approve Appendix G - Member Officer Relations Protocol - with effect from 1April 2018;


Civic Leadership


(21)   endorse the values and principles of civic leadership and engagement as set out in Appendix L, noting their alignment with the Target Operating Model Design Principles, agreed by Council in August 2017, reaffirm that the Lord Provost is a civic role and not a governance one, and instruct that the Urban Governance and Leadership framework reflects this;

(22)   refer the development of models for civic leadership and engagement to the appropriate committees in order that they might give active consideration to how civic leadership and collaborative decision making could be strengthened within the areas of their responsibility;


Implementation and Monitoring


(23)   agree the delivery of training and development for members the Scheme of Governance on dates to be agreed following approval of the committee structure at (3) above:

(24)   instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to report back to Council within 12 months on the operation of the Scheme of Governance documents;


Urban Governance


(25)   note the wider consultation on the development of a new leadership framework for considering the place and people implications of the economic performance of the city;

(26)   approve, in principle, the creation of the coordinating structures as follows:

a.      Infrastructure Group;

b.      Inclusive Economic Growth Group;

c.      Internationalisation Group - Export and Trade;

d.      Internationalisation Group - Inward Investment;

e.      Energy Hub;

f.       Smarter Aberdeen (Digital);

g.      Public Protection; and

h.      Water, Sewerage and Flood.

(27)   instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to co-design a ‘terms of reference’ for each group set out in (26) with the proposed members of each group and to report back to Full Council in August 2018 with proposed ‘terms of reference’ and a recommendation on how each Group will link to the Council’s democratic structure; and


Organisational Design


(28)   agree that the portfolios and position within the organisational structure of Governance, City Growth, City Planning and the City Centre Masterplan will be as described at section 6 of the report.


There being a motion and two amendments, the Council first divided between the amendment by Councillor Flynn and the amendment by Councillor Yuill.


On a division, there voted:-


For the amendment by Councillor Flynn  (19)  -  Councillors Allard, Alphonse, Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, Catriona MacKenzie, McLellan, McRae, Nicoll, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart and Townson.


For the amendment by Councillor Yuill  (3)  -  Councillors Delaney, Greig and Yuill.


Declined to vote  (22)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Bell, Boulton, Lesley Dunbar, Duncan, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Hunt, Imrie, John, Laing, Lumsden, Macdonald, Avril MacKenzie, Malik, Mason MSP, Reynolds, Sellar and Jennifer Stewart.


Absent from the division  (1)  -  Councillor Wheeler.


The Council then divided between the motion and the amendment by Councillor Flynn.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion  (23)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Allan, Bell, Boulton, Lesley Dunbar, Duncan, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Hunt, Imrie, John, Laing, Lumsden, Macdonald, Avril MacKenzie, Malik, Mason MSP, Reynolds, Sellar, Jennifer Stewart and Wheeler.


For the amendment by Councillor Flynn  (22)  -  Councillors Allard, Alphonse,  Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, Catriona MacKenzie, McLellan, McRae, Nicoll, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart, Townson and Yuill.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


In terms of Standing Order 29.7, Councillors Allard, Alphonse,  Cameron, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, Catriona MacKenzie, McLellan, McRae, Nicoll, Noble, Samarai, Sandy Stuart, Townson and Yuill intimated their dissent against the foregoing decision.

Supporting documents: