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Agenda item

Work Plan


Inspector John Soutar and the Clerk advised the Forum of the limitations of the Forum’s remit with specific reference to the review of the late hours catering guidelines by the Licensing Committee at its meeting on 2nd June, 2010.  Inspector Soutar was of the opinion that the issue illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach and a wide-ranging debate involving input from the Forum and the Licensing Board.  Provision of taxis would be another topic which could benefit from wider consultation as and when appropriate.  Sandy Kelman advised that the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership found it could not participate fully in the consultation process in relation to late hours catering guidelines due to a lack of evidence on the impact of changes in opening hours for late night catering premises in other Scottish cities.


In relation to Action No. (13) in the Workplan, the Licensing Board was asked to ensure that any future consideration of measures to clarify legislation in relation to irresponsible promotions including the option of requiring submission of alcohol pricing plans should also apply to the off-sales trade as well as the on-sales trade.  Mark Donlevy of Unight advised the Forum of progress by members in developing a Charter and that regardless of policy guidelines they have voluntarily agreed not to encourage entry to their premises by free drink promotions as part of their efforts to encourage responsible practices by licensees.  Premises not eligible to join Unight should continue to be encouraged to abide by Best Bar None standards.  Participants in the Best Bar None Scheme in Glasgow have developed best practice on a range of issues such as agreeing on a minimum number of supervisors and use of plastic and glassware as appropriate bearing in mind the quality of the product and the particular circumstances such as students’ Fresher Weeks.  Generally there is support for discretion to be exercised by licensees on the use of plastic containers given their own knowledge of their patrons and commercial considerations.


An update was provided in relation to item (7) in the Plan on late night bus services and it was noted that a report on the outcome of the survey and work to improve the service will be reported to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee on 9th November, 2010.  A more detailed update report will be submitted to the September meeting of the Forum and consideration was given to the travel needs of staff working in licensed premises.


The Forum resolved:-

to approve the undernoted actions –

(1)       to request that the Licensing Board reconsider the liaison arrangements between Conveners of the Licensing Board, the Licensing Committee and the Licensing Forum and also discuss this issue as part of the follow-up meeting on the night time economy which the Board are hosting later this year;

(2)       to request the Clerk to invite all members of the Forum to submit questions to her on the late night bus services project so that the officers concerned can respond and to ask them to involve a licensed trade representative in the consultation process (please note following the meeting the officer leading this work has agreed to attend the Forum meeting in September to take part in a discussion and respond to any questions); and

(3)       to request the Licensing Board to support an approach to the Scottish Government seeking clarification of the legislation in relation to irresponsible promotions as discussed at the joint meeting with the Board on 23rd April, 2010.

Supporting documents: