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Agenda item

Middlefield Triangle Haudigan Roundabout - 191138


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Ryden, on behalf of their client, Dandara, for a proposed major development with circa 187 apartments and 3700sqm of retail/commercial space with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure at Middlefield Triangle, Haudigan Roundabout, Aberdeen, 191138.


The report advised that the application site was located within the residential area of Middlefield and a number of flatted developments stood on the site, which were currently undergoing demolition and once complete the site would be clear.  The site was bound to the north by retail units and Great Northern Road/Auchmill Road and to the west by North Anderson Drive and a retail park.  The report also stated that it had been confirmed that a new link road would be constructed around the site to the south and west by Transport Scotland, which would link North Anderson Drive to Auchmill Road.


The report explained that the proposal was for a mixed-use development consisting of both residential and commercial/retail development and the residential aspect would consist of approximately 187 units, while the commercial/retail aspect would be approximately 3700sqm of development and both aspects would be supported by open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure. 


The Forum heard from Michael Lorimer, Ryden and Neil Young and Gavin Wylie, Dandara, in regard to the proposed application.  Mr Young explained that Dandara were an established house builder in Aberdeen and highlighted the importance of development at this site.  He also advised that Dandara were attracted to the development opportunity because it provided the opportunity to deliver regeneration and a successful mixed use development on a strategically important gateway site within Aberdeen.  Mr Young also noted the excellent links to the site once the Haudigan roundabout improvements had been completed.  Mr Young concluded that Dandara had a passion for creating successful places and in order to create a successful place, the Middlefield Triangle must be redeveloped to provide a welcoming, inclusive and sustainable environment that would provide variety and opportunity for people in the locality, improving housing and access to retail opportunities. 


Mr Lorimer went on to explain that the Middlefield Triangle site was formed by the major upgrade to the Haudigan roundabout and associated demolition of existing derelict flats.  He also advised that the Middlefield was designated as a priority neighbourhood for community regeneration and the site was identified as Opportunity Site OP65 within the Local Development Plan.  Mr Lorimer explained that they submitted the Proposal of Application Notice in January and since then held public consultation events in March with 60 attendees and 24 written responses to the proposal.  They presented three different options to local residents and the feedback showed that option B was the most preferable which was a balanced development, with reduced housing to 187 units and an increase in the commercial offering.  Mr Lorimer also intimated that the commercial aspect would be to the east of the site and there would be a mix of townhouses and apartments, as well as open spaces, playparks and a civic square.


The Forum then heard from Ms Aoife Murphy, Case Officer, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.


Ms Murphy provided details on the public consultation events and noted that a drop-in event was held at Henry Rae Community Centre on 7th  and 14th March 2019 between 3pm and 8pm and representatives from Dandara and the Design Team were available to discuss and respond to any queries.  Ms Murphy also highlighted that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-

·         Pre-Application Consultation Report

·         Design and Access Statement including Visualisations

·         Sequential Test

·         Retail impact Assessment

·         Drainage Impact Assessment

·         Noise Impact Assessment

·         Transport Assessment

·         Travel Plan

·         Air Quality Mitigation Measures

·         Landscape and Maintenance Plans

·         Low and Zero Carbon Buildings and Water Efficiency Statement

·         Affordable Housing Delivery Strategy.


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-

1.    There would be a detailed management plan submitted as part of the final application submission;

2.    There was interest from retailers for the commercial aspect but details could not be provided at this time due to sensitivity;

3.    There would be a maximum of 6 storeys to the blocks of flats and it was aimed to have smaller type family houses, whilst actively trying to meet the Local Development Plan on density;

4.    The applicant would look at more open space and greenspace in order to provide more amenity space for the residents;

5.    There was still the possibility to test the market in regards to the retail and there could be scope for Class 2 retail, which could be a gym or veterinary surgery;

6.    In regard to the shadowing aspect and possible over dominance, that the applicant consider this when submitting the final application;

7.    The parking would meet the Council’s standards and the applicant would further discuss this with roads officers;

8.    The apartments were moved back in the proposed application based on feedback and the applicant would actively listen and act on any further feedback;

9.    The applicant would look at a secure play area for children; and

10.The applicant would look at the provision of electric points for vehicles.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)  Note the key issues identified;

(b)  If necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)  Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)           to request that the applicant consider having a secure play area for children within the finalised application;

(ii)          to request that the applicant look at the provision of electric charging points for vehicles;

(iii)         to request that the applicant continue dialogue with roads officers in regard to adequate parking for the site;

(iv)         to request that the applicant continue to look at the overshadowing aspect and possible over dominance of the site;

(v)          to request that the applicant look at options for more open space and greenspace in order to provide more amenity space for the residents; and

(vi)         to thank Mr Lorimer, Mr Young and Mr Wylie for their informative presentation.

Councillor Marie Boulton - Convener



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