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Agenda item

Bobby Calder Park and Lochinch Farm (EPI/10/247)




            Councillor Dean having declared an interest in the report referred to in the following article by reason of her position as Chair of the Cove Rangers Football Supporters’ Club, left the meeting prior to the Committee’s consideration of the report and took no part in the deliberations thereon.



Reference was made to article 49 of the minute of meeting of the former Resources Management Committee of 2 October, 2002, at which time it was agreed that Bobby Calder Park, Redmoss, Aberdeen, would be leased to Cove Rangers Football Club Limited for a period of 125 years in return for a peppercorn rent (£1 per annum) and a community benefits package, to be provided by the Football Club.  Reference was also made to article 42 of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 12 November, 2009, at which time there was under consideration a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure relative to ground owned by the Council at Loirston Loch, previously identified for possible inclusion within the new Aberdeen City Local Development Plan as a potential development site.  The resolution of the Committee at that time was to authorise the then Head of Resources Development and Delivery and other appropriate officials (including the then City Solicitor and the then City Chamberlain), to enter into discussions with Hermiston Securities as landowners of adjacent land at Loirston, on the creation of an appropriate Development Agreement for the long term development of the Loirston Loch area and that this matter be reported back to a future meeting of this Committee.


The Committee had before it on this day, a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought to advise with regard to progress in the implementation of previous Committee instructions in relation to the areas of land at Bobby Calder Park and Lochinch Farm, Redmoss, Aberdeen.  As regards the Bobby Calder Park situation, the report reminded members of the basis of the agreement between the parties, in particular the two suspensive conditions imposed relative to planning approval and finance;  and confirmed that, subject to one change in the original proposals whereby the community benefits package would now be delivered by Aberdeen Football Club and not Cove Rangers FC, the Council’s agents had confirmed purification of the deal with a formal date of entry of 1 September, 2010. 


On the matter of development in the area of Loirston Loch, the report outlined the basis of the arrangement between the Council and Hermiston Securities as the other main land holder in the area and explored a number of issues which had complicated the proposals and which were examined under the headings of Local Development Plan, Aberdeen Football Club/Community Stadium; Bobby Calder Park/Cove Rangers FC Limited; third party land; other land factors;  and Council’s financial position.  The report continued to advise that discussions were now at the stage where both parties were in a position to approve a deal in principle; and outlined the basis upon which that would be done, including the setting out in tabulated format of an indication of how the risks will be managed.  The framework of the community benefits package agreed was appended to the report.


The report recommended:-

(a)       that the Committee note the position in relation to the site at Bobby Calder Park, the development proposals and timescales for Cove Rangers FC Limited and the delivery of the community benefits package;  and

(b)       that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Head of Asset Management and Operations be instructed to conclude negotiations for a Development Agreement on the basis of the terms of the report, with Hermiston Securities Limited, to include other terms as determined to protect the Council’s position. 



The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:-

that the report recommendations be approved and appropriate officers authorised accordingly.


Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor Crockett, moved as an amendment:-

that in the absence of an Environmental Impact Assessment and meaningful local consultation on the matter, consideration of the report be deferred.


On a division between the motion and the amendment, there voted:-  for the motion (9) – the Convener;  the Vice Convener;  and Councillors Cormack, Fletcher, Leslie, McCaig, May, Wendy Stuart and John West;  for the amendment (4) – Councillors Crockett, Graham, Laing and Young;  declined to vote (1) – Councillor Farquharson;  absent from the division (1) – Councillor Dean.


The Committee resolved:-

that the terms of the successful motion be adopted.