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Agenda item

Retail Rocks Aberdeen - The Competition Stages (EPI/10/238)




            Interests in the report referred to in the following article were declared by Councillor Fletcher as a Board member (when incorporated) of Retail Rocks Aberdeen Limited and also by Councillor Dean as a member of the Project Steering Group.  Neither member felt it necessary to leave the meeting during the Committee’s deliberations on the matter.



Reference was made (1) to article 24 of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 28 January, 2010, and (2) to article 52 of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 17 June, 2010, which, among other matters, detailed the basis of the Retail Rocks initiative being a Scottish Government backed concept aimed at the regeneration of town centres by focusing on the creation of successful local retail businesses;  confirmed that, in Aberdeen, the scheme would involve the bringing back into use of vacant retail units in the Torry area;  and further confirmed that initial support for the scheme would take the form of access to a rent free retail unit for one year plus mentoring support, to be competed for by applicants with a retail business idea.  In pursuance of previous decisions taken in respect of this matter, the Committee now had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought to update members on progress and to address issues surrounding the competition and the possible need for an associated increase in the current budget allocation.


The report outlined the progress made since June, 2010, when the matter was last reported, which included the identification of three Councillors as Directors to sit on the Board of Retail Rocks Aberdeen Limited, leaving two places still to be filled before the company could be incorporated;  the acquisition of a future shop unit for the project, with negotiations being at an advanced stage;  and the awarding of a tender for works that will address structural disrepair and associated matters in some of the buildings where units are located.  On the matter of Project Implementation during the period October, 2010 to March, 2011, the report indicated that the next stage would be the launch of the competition, in respect  of which two key issues need to be addressed (1) a requirement for the underwriting of the final costs of the project works; and (2) the appointment of the competition panel, which the report suggested be done in consultation with the Project Steering Group and, if required, involving the three Council Directors. 


The report, having highlighted the complexity of the property investigations and negotiations which were required and the resultant slippage in the original programme dates, included a revised timescale prepared by officers and which would allow contact to be made now with the Scottish Government seeking formal approval for the delayed spend linked to completion of property acquisitions, the preparation of technical specifications, the undertaking of refurbishment works and the competition process itself. 


The report recommended:-

(a)       that the progress to date on the development of the environmental infrastructure and building investment in Torry through this project, be noted;

(b)       that it also be noted that an additional £170,000 budget provision would be made available from within the current Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure budget for 2010/2011, for the completion of the Retail Rocks project to cover (1) shop fit out; (2) competition costs; (3) property running costs; (4) stock acquisition; and (5) project support costs, all as narrated within the report and in the event that private sector funding for these purposes is not realised within the current financial year;

(c)        that members also note the revised project timescales and new arrangements, as narrated within the report and authorise officers to negotiate revisions to the programme dates as identified in the original Town Centre Regeneration Fund award with the Scottish Government;

(d)       that the Committee agree to homologate the exercise of delegated authority granted to the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure by this Committee at its meeting of 28 January, 2010, for the acquisition of two privately owned retail units and for the renunciation of the lease of the shop unit at 22 Menzies Road, as set out within appendix 1 to the report;  and

(e)       that the Committee agree to receive a progress report at the next meeting of 2 December, 2010. 


The Committee explained its concern at recommendation (b), and further noted that this was a matter for the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee to consider.


In relation to recommendation (d), the Committee were advised by officers that there was no requirement for the homologation of this decision, and that it should be merely noted.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)                 that recommendations (a), (c) and (e) be approved;

(ii)               that recommendation (b) be referred to the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee for its consideration;  and

(iii)             that the actions of the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure under delegated powers, referred to under recommendation (d), be noted.