Agenda item
Grant of a Street Trader Licence - JBG Catering
The Committee had before it an information sheet prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance, which advised that the application required to be determined by 2 February 2022; and that letters of representation had been received from Aberdeen City Council’s Roads and Parks Teams, Cove and Altens Community Council and 15 members of the public.
The information sheet indicated that the application was for the following locations - Monday to Sunday (11.00 – 23.00 hrs):-
(1) Bervie Brow Car Park (East) North Side, 10m West of Marchmont Street;
(2) Doonies Farm Car Park, North Side 200m North of Doonies Farm;
(3) Coast Road, Easy Side, Layby North End, 120m North East of Burnbank Villageentrance;
(4) Wellington Circle Northern Spur, East side, 25m North of Wellington House carpark entrance; and
(5) Wellington Road (Old), Northerly End, West side, 75m North of Entry/Exit to Wellington Road
The applicant, Jean Baptiste Pose, was in attendance, spoke in support of his application and responded to questions from members of the Committee.
Ms Vycki Ritson, Roads Team was in attendance.
No other respondents were in attendance.
The Committee resolved:-
to grant the licence for the following locations and that trading be Monday to Sunday (16:00 – 21.00 hrs):-
(1) Bervie Brow Car Park (East) North Side, 10m West of Marchmont Street; and
(2) Wellington Circle Northern Spur, East side, 25m North of Wellington House carpark entrance.
Supporting documents:
JBC Catering - Info Note, item 11.
PDF 212 KB
JBG Site 1, item 11.
PDF 374 KB
JBG Site 2, item 11.
PDF 309 KB
JBG Site 3, item 11.
PDF 213 KB
JBG Site 4, item 11.
PDF 327 KB
JBG Site 5, item 11.
PDF 320 KB
JGB - Redacted objections 1- 4, item 11.
PDF 340 KB
JGB - Redacted objections 5 -10, item 11.
PDF 887 KB
JGB - Redacted objection 11 - 17, item 11.
JGB - Applicants Comments, item 11.