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Agenda item

Proposal of Application Notice - major residential development (approximately 250 units) of affordable and private housing with associated infrastructure, open space, landscaping, community facilities and energy centre - land at Tillyoch, Peterculter Aberdeen

Planning Officer – Aoife Murphy


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Halliday Fraser Munro on behalf of their client First Endeavour (Tillyoch) LLP, for a major development for a major residential development (approximately 250 units) of affordable and private housing with associated infrastructure, open space, landscaping, community facilities and energy centre - land at Tillyoch, Peterculter Aberdeen, planning reference number 210936.


The report advised that the site was located to the west of Aberdeen City, to the north of Peterculter, and fell within the City’s Green Belt.  The site extended to approximately 40 hectares and encompassed a large area of agricultural land, woodland currently protected by three Tree Preservation Orders, several individual dwellings and their associated curtilages and the Tillyoch Equestrian Centre. 


The report also explained that whilst the site was not allocated within the current Local Development Plan, part of it had been identified within the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2020, as an Opportunity Site OP53, as a housing opportunity for 250 houses.  The report noted that the extent of OP53 was substantially smaller (15.25Ha) than the red line site boundary provided with the current Proposal of Application Notice. 


The report also noted that the Proposal of Application Notice boundary also included two Opportunity Sites, designated in the current Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017, OP109: Woodend and OP52: Malcolm Road for 19 and 8 homes respectively.   The site is bound by roads on all sides, with Malcolm Road (B979) forming the site’s west boundary, Culter House Road to the east and Bucklerburn Road to the south and an unknown road to the north.


The Forum heard from Ms Aoife Murphy, Senior Planner who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application.


Ms Murphy explained that the application site was close to the boundary with Aberdeenshire and was bound by public roads, and also advised of the relevant planning policies.  Ms Murphy advised that the application was a departure from the Aberdeen Local Development Plan and it also conflicted with Policy NE2 – Green Belt.


In terms of consultation, Ms Murphy advised that public consultation was undertaken by the applicant via an online event on Wednesday 18 August 2021, and noted that that public exhibition was available to view from 11 August until 1 September 2021 with comments/feedback requested by 1 September 2021.  Ms Murphy advised that a further consultation event was held on 25 August 2021, due to issues with the publicity of the previous events. 


It was noted that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-


·         Pre-Application Consultation Report;

·         Design and Access Statement;

·         Justification for the loss of green infrastructure / development on Green Belt land;

·         Drainage Impact Assessment;

·         Flood Risk Assessment;

·         Ecological Impact Assessment;

·         Habitats Regulations Appraisal;

·         Construction Environmental Management Plan;

·         Transport Assessment;

·         Travel Plan;

·         Tree Survey Report, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and a Tree Protection and Mitigation Plan;

·         Landscape Scheme and Maintenance Plans;

·         Low and Zero Carbon Buildings and Water Efficiency Statement;

·         Affordable Housing Delivery Strategy; and 

·         Waste Strategy Plan


The Forum then heard from Julie Robertson, Halliday Fraser Munro, agent, and advised that the application site was located immediately to the north of Peterculter and to the east of Malcolm Road, and the site was currently an equestrian centre with existing stable buildings, hard standing, associated paddocks and existing dwelling.  The current equestrian access was from Culter House Road and the proposed residential access would be from Malcolm Road.  The site encompasses an area of ancient woodland in the southeast of the site which would be retained; and the site had easy access to Peterculter and Aberdeen with access to local bus services.


In regards to the site context, Ms Robertson explained that with a previous application, the feedback was that more private housing was required and also to maintain connections to Peterculter.  Ms Robertson advised that there would be a creation of a village green and well defined public realm, with a bus stop and landscaping buffers. 


Ms Robertson also provided detail on planning considerations in relation to the application.  Ms Robertson noted that there would be a housing mix, with 25% affordable housing provision and also the retention of ancient woodland and access to the green network.  Ms Robertson also spoke about a walkable neighbourhood and the emergence of a 20 minute neighbourhood through NPF4.  It was noted that the main features of a 20 minute neighbourhood were:-

·         Local employment opportunities

·         Local health facilities and services

·         Local schools

·         Lifelong learning opportunities

·         Local playgrounds and parks

·         Green streets and spaces

·         Community gardens

·         Sport and recreation facilities

·         Safe streets and spaces

·         Affordable housing options

·         Ability to age in place

·         Housing diversity

·         Local transport network

·         Local employment opportunities and

·         Well connected to the public transport, jobs and services within the region.


In relation to consultation, and following on from what Ms Murphy advised, Ms Robertson explained that 668 neighbour notifications were posted, posters were provided to local business (both hand delivered and posted), the Community Council was notified along with local elected members and an online exhibition board was available to view for 4 weeks with paper copies available upon request.  It was noted that the website had 1067 visits with 792 individual unique views and over 80 participants in the consultation through feedback forms, emails, phone calls and engagement events. 


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-


·         A tree survey was currently being undertaken to ascertain the amount of trees that would be lost and the figure was unknown at present;

·         The were currently looking at what community facilities there would be and to see what would be appropriate;

·         In response to a question about acute traffic issues in the local area, Ms Robertson advised that a Traffic Assessment was also being carried out and following this they would look at it, assess and investigate the impact on the road network;

·         Early discussions were taking place with bus operators for a link into the site and to look at ways to accommodate buses in the development;

·         It was noted that through the Transport Assessment, the Tree Survey and the Environmental Assessment, they could investigate the possibility of replanting on the road as part of the design process;


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)          note the key issues identified;

(b)          if necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)        Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to request that the applicant carry out an archaeological survey;

(ii)          to request that the applicant investigate the infrastructure for Electric Vehicle Charging point in every property;

(iii)         to request that the applicant examine appropriate drainage scheme for the site;

(iv)         to request that the applicant consider the key points above; and

(v)          to thank the presenters for their informative presentation. 


Supporting documents: