Agenda item
Quarter 4 Monitoring Report - HSCP22.032
- Meeting of Risk, Audit and Performance Committee, Tuesday, 26th April, 2022 10.00 am (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
The Committee had before it the Quarter 4 Monitoring Report, which (1) summarised the 2021/2022 revenue budget performance for the services within the remit of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) as at Period 9 (end of March 2022); (2) highlighted the current forecast in relation to the additional costs of COVID-19 reclaimed from the Scottish Government (SG); (3) advised on any areas of risk and management action relating to the revenue budget performance of the IJB services; and (4) sought to approve the budget virements so that budgets were more closely aligned to anticipated income and expenditure.
The Chief Finance Officer spoke to the report and responded to questions from Members.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee-
(a) note the report in relation to the IJB budget and the information on areas of risk and management action that were contained therein; and
(b) approve the budget virements indicated in Appendix F of the report.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to note that the Chief Finance Officer would circulate further detail regarding Directorate overspend;
(ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to ask the Moray IJB for an update regarding G-Med and to subsequently report back to Committee in this regard; and
(iii) to otherwise approve the recommendations.
Supporting documents:
- HSCP.22.032_Qtr4_Financial_Monitoring Update_V2, item 12. PDF 412 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix A_IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 125 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix B IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 57 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix C_IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 13 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix D IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 45 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix E IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 12 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix F_IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 99 KB
- HSCP.22.032_Appendix G IJB P12 Joint Report Final 22.04.2022, item 12. PDF 59 KB