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Agenda item

Tillyoch, Culter House Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen - 211699

Planning Reference – 211699


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the refence number above:-




Planning Officer:  Aoife Murphy



The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for Planning Permission in Principle for a residential development (circa 250 units) with associated infrastructure, open space, landscaping and community facilities, at Tillyoch, Culter House Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen, be refused for the following reasons:-


1.     the proposed development is considered to represent the erosion of the character and function of the designated existing Green Space Network. Due to its location and scale, the proposal does not meet any of the exception criteria highlighted within Green Belt policy. Furthermore, the proposed access road is not considered to be essential infrastructure. As such, the development is contrary to Policy NE1 - Green Space Network and Policy NE2 - Green Belt of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and would represent a significant departure from the adopted Development Plan Strategy;


2.     the development would result in the large-scale alteration of the existing rural landscape character of the site and surrounding area, to its detriment. This would harm the strategic landscape framework of the area, which is a key part of the city’s setting, especially when viewed from the gateway route of the A93 from the west. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy D2 - Landscape of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017;


3.     due to its location, which is considered removed from the established area of Peterculter, the proposal does not constitute sustainable development and sufficient measures have not been taken to maximise opportunities for sustainable and active travel and to minimise the use of the private car. As such the development is considered contrary  to Policy T2 - Managing the Transport Impact of Development and Policy T3 - Sustainable and Active Travel of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017;


4.     the proposed access road and junction from the B979 would result in the unacceptable loss of a significant area of Ancient Woodland and a substantial number of trees that are protected by Tree Preservation Order 256 located within the application boundary. Sufficient acceptable mitigation has not been proposed. The proposal is accordingly considered contrary to Policy NE5 - Trees and Woodland of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and Policy NE5 - Trees and Woodland of the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2020;


5.     the proposed access road and junction from the B979, due to the related loss of a significant area of Ancient Woodland and trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order, would adversely impact on the natural heritage and ecological integrity of the site. Sufficient acceptable mitigation has not been proposed. The proposal is accordingly contrary to Policy NE8 - Natural Heritage of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 Policy NE3 - Our Natural Heritage of the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2020.


The Committee heard from Aoife Murphy, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.


The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Copland:-

           that the application be refused in line with the officers recommendation.


Councillor Houghton moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-

that there be a willingness to approve the application conditionally, with the conditions detailed in the committee report, subject to entering into a Section 75 agreement for developer obligations as outlined in the report, with an extra condition covering the retention of drystone walls within the site.  The reasons for approval were as follows:-


1.     It is recognised that a substantial part of the site was zoned for development in the Proposed Local Development Plan and the principle development on this site had been accepted as the settled view of the Council and this should be given significant weight and was considered to outweigh the adopted plan which was outwith the 5 year period and therefore out of date.


2.     It is recognised that the access road would cross land which was green belt and green space network in both the adopted and proposed local development plan and that this area would result in the loss of ancient woodland and trees protected by Tree Protection orders and their associated wildlife value, however the mitigatory measures proposed by the applicant in terms of tree planting and long term maintenance of the woodland were considered to be sufficient to adequately mitigate the wildlife, landscape, trees protected by TPO and ancient woodland designation. 


3.     The development was considered to be sustainable in that there were safe active travel routes available to the nearby community facilities and shops in Peterculter and access is to be provided to enable the future provision of a bus service to the site therefore complying with Policies T2 and T3.


4.     The proposal would provide housing which meets the needs of the local community, providing affordable housing and family homes.


5.     On balance there were sufficient material considerations to outweigh the green belt and green space network policy in the adopted Local Development Plan.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) – the Convener, and Councillors Allard, Blake, Clark, Copland, Fairfull and Thomson – for the amendment (6) – the Vice Convener and Councillors Alphonse, Boulton, Farquhar, Houghton and Tissera.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion and therefore refuse the application in line with officer recommendation.


Supporting documents: