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Agenda item

Street Knowledge Test - Consultation Feedback - COM/22/181


With reference to article 2 of this minute, the Committee heard from Mr Russell McLeod on the proposals outlined in the report and by way of the consultation documents circulated previously by officers in terms of the review of the Street Knowledge Test.


In relation to the question regarding an amended test for Private Hire drivers, Mr McLeod advised that, although the responses were close,it was important to recognise that the conclusion was that there should be no amended test for Private Hire drivers, which was in his opinion, a view that 99% of the trade share. He explained that all drivers should be trained to the same level, but accepted that it was a different licence, although in Aberdeen they both do exactly the same job. He indicated that currently all three of Aberdeen’s largest Taxi Companies (Aberdeen Taxis, ComCab Aberdeen and Rainbow City Taxis), operate using both taxis and private hire vehicles which were driven by Taxi Drivers, to do the same job, and therefore it was in nobody’s interest, especially the public, to have a two-tier system, when they were doing the same job. He intimated that it was quite clear, that the test for Private Hire drivers should not be abolished and therefore requested that the Committee should dismiss this option.


In relation to whether the test re-sit procedure should be amended, Mr McLeod advised that Aberdeen Taxis, ComCab Aberdeen and Rainbow City Taxis had sought changes for over three years and the current test format not only dissuaded applicants from attempting, but also from re-sitting the test.


In relation to the proposal for a driver training qualification to be introduced, Mr McLeod agreed that it should be considered in the future, but at this time, it was important to let the trade get back on its feet first.


Mr McLeod acknowledged that there was a shortage of taxis for night-time revellers, but explained that they were the only trade, which was tackling this issue, intimating that there was no other help at peak-times, there were no buses and there was the access issue to the busiest night-time rank (St Nicholas Church).


Mr McLeod advised that earlier this week, he had been advised that the Taxi Rank Marshals’ hours had been adjusted to coincide with the ranks at peak times and was assured that the next step of the City Centre Masterplan, would see taxis and private hire vehicles gain access to Union Street at Market Street and Bridge Street.


Mr McLeod made reference to the Taxi Driver Training Schools which were being conducted by the three companies.


Mr McLeod provided details regarding the proposal from Aberdeen Taxis, ComCab Aberdeen and Rainbow City Taxis to increase taxi driver numbers due to a significant decrease as a result of Covid 19, as follows:-

·       That each of the 4 modules be treated as individual, if an applicant passed one module at their first visit, they should be allowed to keep “bank”’ that pass for 6 months. Therefore, once an applicant had passed one module, they then have 6 months to pass all 4 modules, if each test had a cost, then the applicant would need to meet this cost.

·       If after 6 months the applicant had not passed, then they need to undertake all four sections again. This would not erode the test as each applicant would be required to put in the same effort, just without the pressure to pass all modules, or have to start again;

·       This would encourage more applicants and in time will have a positive impact on the number of drivers in the city. We would estimate that within 6 months, this could result in another 25+ drivers, but with no eradication, to our very high standards;

·       Each successful applicant would still need to pass all modules, just not all at once. Each driver would still need to pass the same test as every other driver; and

·       We are also of the opinion that the 75% pass rate needs to be reviewed. This is something that we would intend to take back to the Taxi and Private Hire Car Consultation Group.


The Convener, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr McLeod for his deputation.


With reference to article 24 of the minute of the previous meeting of 5 July 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Commissioning which outlined the results of the consultation with the taxi trade and the general public on possible amendments to the Street Knowledge Test.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)      consider the consultation responses; and

(b)      agree to progress any options considered appropriate.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note the consultation responses;

(ii)       to agree not to amend or abolish the test for Private Hire drivers;

(iii)      to agree that if the applicant fails one section of the test, they would be afforded one opportunity to resit that section of the test again within a three month period;

(iv)      to note that if the applicant fails more than one section of the test, they would be required to sit all sections of the test again under no time constraints; and

(v)      to defer consideration of introducing a SQA qualification or equivalent at this time and that a report be submitted to the Committee in this regard in 12 months’ time.

Supporting documents: