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Agenda item

Sport Aberdeen Annual Report 2021/2022 - COM/22/232

Please note there is no Appendix B


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement, which presented the Sport Aberdeen annual review report in order to provide the Council with an overview of performance of service delivery by Sport Aberdeen during financial year 2021/2022.


The report recommended:-

that the Council note the Sport Aberdeen Annual Report appended to the

report for the Council’s interests.


The Council resolved:-

(i)              to note that officers would circulate the evaluation on the Free Summer of Play programme to Members in due course;

(ii)             to request that officers provide further information/clarification in respect of Northfield Swimming Pool user figures in Sport Aberdeen’s Key Performance Indicators;

(iii)            to congratulate Sport Aberdeen for being a finalist at an awards ceremony in Glasgow and to note thanks to all staff from Sport Aberdeen for their efforts over the year; and

(iv)           to approve the recommendation. 


Supporting documents: