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Agenda item

Capital Programme Delivery: Projects Update - RES/22/281


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Capital, which summarised the general progress of delivery of key capital expenditure projects identified within the approved Capital Programme from the General Fund and Housing Revenue Accounts.  The report also highlighted issued considered worthy of particular note which were specific to individual programmes/projects.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)            note the current status of delivery of the Section 3 highlighted programmes/projects contained within the approved Capital Programme;

(b)            note that there is an on-going review of the approved Capital Programme to inform decision making when setting the new approved Capital Programme on Budget Day in March 2023;


The Convener moved, seconded by the Vice Convener:-

           that the Committee:-

(1)        approve the recommendations; and

(2)        note that the Chief Officer – Capital would produce a Service Update regarding Union Terrace Gardens once it had been handed back to the Council following the completion of the works. 


Councillor Grant, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:-

           that the Committee:-

(1)        note the current status of delivery of the Section 3 highlighted programmes/projects contained within the approved Capital Programme;

(2)        note that there is an on-going review of the approved Capital Programme to inform decision making when setting the new approved Capital Programme on Budget Day in March 2023;

(3)        welcomes progress in the delivery of Countesswells Primary School, Torry Primary School and Hub and other projects;

(4)        following the decision by the SNP/Lib Dem administration to suspend the delivery of the new Tillydrone Primary School, at the meeting of Full Council in August 2022, notes paragraph 3.30 which sets out potential challenges in progressing work with the new school. Notes that the administration gave a clear commitment to deliver the new school by “Summer 2024” and calls upon the administration to reaffirm their commitment to deliver the new school within that timescale;

(5)        given the risks set out within paragraph 3.30, instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to produce a public engagement plan with both the Riverbank and St Peters RC school communities to keep them more fully appraised of progress and/or delays to both projects, and provide them with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss their concerns as a matter of urgency;

(6)        note that the SNP/Lib Dem administration agreed, at the meeting of Full Council in August 2022, to instruct the Chief Officer - Capital to pause the four Housing Capital Council-led new build projects, to evaluate the actions to be taken, assess best value and where appropriate retender work packages and report on the outcome of this review;

(7)        note that paragraphs 3.42 - 3.45 of the report set out that all works at both Craighill and Kincorth sites will remain suspended. In light of this, instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to report to the next Finance and Resources Committee with a clear implementation plan to ensure the committee has oversight on the delivery of these two important projects. 


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (8) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Cooke, Fairfull, Greig, Nicoll, Radley and van Sweeden; for the amendment (5) – Councillors Brooks, Farquhar, Grant, Macdonald and Watson. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that a meeting would be arranged with elected members from opposition parties, the Partnership and relevant officers, in order to investigate if a more robust reporting style in relation to capital projects could be utilised for this Committee;

(ii)             to note that the Chief Officer – Capital would send information to Members by way of email, regarding the Art Gallery costs and debts for the building; and

(iii)           to adopt the motion. 

Supporting documents: