Committee details
Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee
Purpose of committee
Please note agendas are retained online indefinitely.
To watch webcasts of this committee, please use this link
To monitor the delivery of all services and functions relating to net zero, the environment and transport; to scrutinise performance and approve options within set budgets to ensure best value and delivery of the Council’s agreed outcomes; and to ensure that the Council has robust arrangements for the delivery of the Council’s environmental targets and the meeting of its related statutory obligations.
The Pupil Climate Support Champion will be invited to attend one meeting a year as a non-voting contributor.
The Committee will:
1. Monitor the Council’s compliance with its environmental targets, including its carbon budget, and statutory obligations, and any charters or memorandums of understanding which it enters, in relation to matters such as net zero, climate change, environmental sustainability, food growing and biodiversity.
2. Approve the annual Climate Change Report for submission to the Scottish Government.
3. Approve the Council’s Climate Change Plan and monitor its delivery.
4. Approve the Council’s Biodiversity Duty Report.
5. Monitor key performance indicators in relation to, and progress towards, the Council’s decarbonisation pathway, climate adaption and the 2045 target for zero carbon.
6. Consider environmental evidence and advice from the widest possible range of sources.
7. Oversee, and make decisions relating to, service delivery in respect of transport and roads matters, and approve options to improve/transform service delivery. This includes scrutiny of operational performance and service standards in line with the Performance Management Framework and considering recommendations for improvements where required.
8. Approve and oversee all policies, strategies, programmes, and projects in relation to climate, sustainability, the natural environment and transport and roads.
9. Receive risk registers relative to its remit and scrutinise to ensure assurance of the controls in place.
10. Receive reports on inspections and peer reviews in order to ensure best practice and note any actions arising from those inspections and reviews.
11. Make recommendations to the appropriate Committee(s) or Sub Committee(s) on matters affecting its remit where the authority to approve sits within the remit of another Committee or Sub Committee.
12. In undertaking its remit, ensure that it is acting within the budget set by Council and is supporting the delivery of the Council’s agreed outcomes, commissioning intentions and service standards.
Executive Lead: Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning
- Councillor Ian Yuill (Convener)
- Councillor Miranda Radley (Vice Convener)
- Councillor Nurul Hoque Ali
- Councillor Dell Henrickson
- Councillor Michael Hutchison
- Councillor Duncan Massey
- Councillor Alexander McLellan
- Councillor Deena Tissera
- Councillor Kairin van Sweeden
Contact information
Support officer: Steph Dunsmuir, Email: