Issue - decisions
Aberdeen Art Gallery - ECS/18/012
06/02/2018 - Aberdeen Art Gallery Redevelopment and Provost Skene's House Refurbishment and Museum Progress - ECS/18/012
(i) to note the amended programme for the Aberdeen Art Gallery redevelopment as presented in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of this report;
(ii) to note the breakdown of works for Provost Skene House which identified as urgent, necessary and desirable and which is presented at 3.2 (Table 1) of this report;
(iii) to approve Option 3 in regard to the refurbishment of Provost Skene’s House as detailed in the Exempt Appendix 1 of this report;
(iv) to delegate authority to the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure, following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to undertake a tender process for the procurement and thereafter award of contract to undertake internal and external works;
(v) to instruct the Head of Finance to identify funding options for the additional costs of Aberdeen Art Gallery redevelopment and Provost Skene’s House revised scope of refurbishment as presented in Section 2 of the Exempt Appendix 1 and submit this to the Council’s 2018/19 budget setting meeting;
(vi) to approve the total estimated expenditure for Provost Skene’s House refurbishment as detailed in the Exempt Appendix 1 to this report;
(vii) to otherwise note the contents of the report; and
(viii) that officers be requested to consider removing inappropriate plastic vent piping and other similar sensible items as deemed desirable.