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Issue - decisions

Committee Tracker

15/10/2018 - Committee Planner

(i)            to note that the Building Standards; PREVENT; and National Child Protection Improvement Review reports would be reported to the Committee’s next meeting on 5 December 2018;

(ii)          to note that the Adult Protection Referrals would be incorporated within a broader report which would be presented to Committee on 20 February 2019, following the publication of the Care Inspectorate report on Adult Social Care;

(iii)         to note that the Self-Assessment Resilience Standards Performance report would be incorporated into an Annual Report which would be presented to Committee on 24 April 2019; and

(iv)         otherwise note the committee business planner.


10/07/2018 - Committee Planner

(i)            to transfer the Crematorium Management Compliance Report to the Operational Delivery Committee business planner;

(ii)          to remove the Development of Models for Civic Leadership from the business planner; and

(iii)         otherwise note the committee business planner.


26/06/2018 - Committee Planner

(i)        to remove the following items from the Business Planner in terms of the officer’s explanations provided:- item 17 (Provision of a Technical Information Portal; item 43 (Development of Models for Civic Leadership and Engagement); and item 88 (Scottish Government Public Sector Pay Policy - Financing Options);

(ii)       to note the reasons for the reporting delays in terms of item 4 (Balnagask Motte Regeneration); item 7 (Local Housing Strategy); item 8 (Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Tourism Strategy); item 9 (Strategic Car Parking Review); item 12 (Joint Initiative for Vehicle Emissions (Jive 2) Report); item 14 (Capacities of Junctions Associated with the AWPR/B-T - NOM Cllr Boulton); item 15 (UNESCO Creative Cities Bid); item 16 (Performance Report); item 21 (Site at Beach Esplanade/King Street); and item 24 (Review on the Governance of the 365 Advisory Group and Aberdeen Festivals);

(iii)      that in relation to item 5 (2017 Christmas Village Evaluation) to instruct officers to circulate a Service Update following this meeting and to submit a report to the meeting of the Committee on 18 September 2018;

(iv)      that in relation to item 10 (One Stop Employability Shop) to instruct officers to submit a report to the meeting of the Committee on 18 September 2018;

(v)       that in relation to item 12 (Joint Initiative for Vehicle Emissions (Jive 2) Report) that the Director of Resources provide details to members of the Committee in terms of the present position of the initiative; and

(vi)      that in relation to item 16 (Performance Report), to note that a report would be submitted to the meeting of the Committee on 18 September 2018.

11/05/2018 - Committee Planner

To note the Committee Business Planner.

28/04/2018 - Committee Planner

(i)        to remove the following items from the Business Planner as they are to be reported as Service Updates:- Environmental Noise Action Plan Update; Local Transport Strategy Annual Monitoring and Progress Report; Towards a Fairer Aberdeen – Engagement with People and Groups Affected by Poverty; Europe Green Capital Awards; Community Benefit Management Process; World Energy Cities Partnership Annual Report; Civitas Portis; Sponsorship of Business Awards; Powering Aberdeen; and Air Quality Action Plan;

(ii)       to remove the following item from the Business Planner as it is to be considered as part of the Performance report at the next meeting:- Public Bodies Duties - Climate Change;

(iii)      to transfer the following items from the Business Planner as a result of their Terms of Reference:- Best Way Forward for Sport in Aberdeen (transfer to Strategic Commissioning Committee Business Planner); Business Cases for the Delivery of 2,000 Council Houses (to be transferred to the Capital Programme Committee Business Planner); and

(iv)      to note the update in relation to the Site at Beach Esplanade/King Street and that a report in this regard would be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.

01/03/2018 - Committee Tracker

to note the content of the tracker.