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Issue - decisions

Performance Improvement Report

24/04/2018 - Performance Improvement Report - OPE/18/011

The Committee resolved:-

(i)        in relation to staff absence figures, to request that officers circulate information to Members outwith the meeting as to how tools and best practice set out in the performance report were being utilised to support staff in getting back to work;

(ii)       to request that officers circulate information to Members outwith the meeting in respect of whether there had also been an increase in occupational health referrals alongside the increase in long-term absence;

(iii)      to request that officers include information in future reports on examples of best practice from inspection regimes to highlight the good work going on in schools, to sit alongside the statistics in respect of positive evaluation of Quality Reference Indicators and Care Inspectorate inspection reports; and

(iv)      to otherwise note the report and appendices.