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Issue - decisions

Committee Business Statement

29/01/2019 - Committee Business Planner

(i)              in relation to item 4 (Delays in Milltimber Primary School Capital Project) to note that the item would remain on the planner until the next meeting;

(ii)             to agree to remove items 5 (HMO Overprovision Policy – Main Issues Report for next LDP Plan) and 6 (Main Issues Report LDP Affordable Housing Contributions to Dedicated Student Accommodation);

(iii)           in relation to item 7 (Review of Community Facilities in Garthdee – NOM Cllrs Yuill and Townson), to note that this item was to report on the Community Facilities at Inchgarth Community Centre and that it would be deferred to the next meeting;

(iv)           in relation to item 12 (Redevelopment of Clinterty Gypsey/Traveller Site) to note the item had been withdrawn;

(v)            in relation to item 13 (ELC Expansion Programme – Phase 1 Projects) to note that this report would be submitted to the next meeting;

(vi)           in relation to item 14 (Business Case for the Refurbishment of Harlaw Road Pavillion) to note that the report would be submitted to the next meeting; and

(vii)         to otherwise note the content of the business planner.