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Issue - decisions

Committee Business Planner

16/01/2020 - Committee Business Planner

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 6 (Scottish Road Works Commissioner Annual Performance), 8 (Community Learning Centre and Leased Community Centre provision) and 9 (Performance Report);

(ii)          to note that item 5 (Policy that Specifies the Existing Granite Sett and Lock Block Streets) was being removed from this planner and transferred to Council;

(iii)         to note that further information would be circulated to members by means of email, in regard to item 27 (Use of Plastic Based Materials in Roads Construction); and

(iv)         to otherwise note the information on the business planner. 

14/11/2019 - Committee Business Planner

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 6 (Petition School Road), 7 (Performance Report), 8 (Risk Register), 9 (Joint Inspection of Children’s Services) and 10 (Out of Authority Residential Placements);

(ii)          to note that item 5 (Council Housing Rent Management and Universal Credit Review of Implementation of Full Service), would come to the January Committee;

(iii)         to note that for item 13 (Community Learning Centre and leased Community Centre provision) that a meeting would take place at the end of November with the wider stakeholders;

(iv)         to note that item 11 (Windmill Brae) would come to Committee in March 2020, following the further meetings taking place that were scheduled; and

(v)          to otherwise note the information on the business planner. 

23/09/2019 - Committee Business Planner

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to request that officers investigate the position in relation to item 4 (South College Street/Queen Elizabeth Bridge junction) and to send an update to members in this regard;

(ii)          to agree to remove items 5 (Child Poverty), 6 (Bring your own device), 8 (Various small scale traffic management stage 3), 10 (Road Safety Plan), 11 (Performance Report) and 12 (Housing Case);

(iii)         to agree to remove item 15 (Hydrogen Buses and Facilities in Aberdeen) as this had now transferred to City Growth and Resources; and

(iv)         to otherwise note the information on the business planner.

23/05/2019 - Committee Business Planner

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information on the business planner.

20/03/2019 - Committee Business Planner

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to remove items 4 (Carers Strategy), 5 (Detrunking of the A90/A96), 6 (Gray Street, Salisbury Terrace), 7 (Lochside Academy flooding issues around safe routes to school), 10 (Alive @ 5), 11 (Council Tenants Arrears) and 12 (Performance Report);

(ii)          to agree to transfer items 8 (SUDS Section 7) and 9 (Alexander Ogston Plaque) to City Growth and Resources Committee;

(iii)         to note that a report on the implementation of the full service of Universal Credit will be reported to the November meeting; and

(iv)         to otherwise note the information on the Business Planner.