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Issue - decisions

Hosted Services - to follow

13/06/2019 - NHS Grampian Services which are hosted in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Integration Joint Boards

(1) Endorse the approach set out for the monitoring and performance management of delegated services which are hosted by one of the three IJBs on behalf of the other two IJBs and requested that the Senior Leadership Team consider aligning performance reporting to the 12 Principles for Integration

(2) Endorse the approach for the Governance arrangements of the Acute Hospital Based Services and directed that the Senior Leadership Teams work together to produce recommendations for the three IJBs to consider and requested that future reports on hosted services highlight the service alignment to the national indicators and 12 principles of integration, and

(3) Agree the frequency on which the North East Partnership should meet is four times per annum,

(4) Propose that the North East Partnership include Chair, Vice Chair and Chairs of IJB key committees, and

(5) Instruct the Chief Officer (ACHSCP) to prepare a draft role and remit for this meeting in consultation with the Chief Officers for the Aberdeenshire and Moray Health and Social Care Partnerships.