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Issue - decisions


01/12/2020 - Minimising Exclusion Policy - OPE/20/221

The Committee resolved:-

(i)       in relation to section 2.2 of the policy guidance, to note that officers would provide details to Miss Scott on how to access the guidance available in the risk and health and safety assessment;

(ii)       to agree that the statement on page 85 “Education and Children’s Services Policy is that exclusion must be seen as an absolute last resort.” should be moved to the beginning of the policy;

(iii)      in relation to the statement on page 92 “In exceptional circumstances as part of a positive phased and agreed re-engagement strategy, and with the agreement of parents, Central Officers, the young person, partner agencies, and the Virtual School if a learner is looked after, a relevant personalised timetable may be developed by the school.” to request that an example of such a timetable be included in the document to assist staff;

(iv)      to note that officers would circulate information outwith the meeting to Members on the results of the latest survey on the revised policy, as the data had not been available in time to include with the report;

(v)      to note that officers would investigate whether it would be possible to provide Members with further information on children who had been excluded on more than one occasion, noting that this might not be possible if the children could be identified;

(vi)      to note the work undertaken to review the current Exclusion Policy; and

(vii)     to approve the refreshed Minimising Exclusion Policy.