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Issue - decisions

Equalities and Equalities Outcomes - HSCP.21.058

27/05/2021 - Equalities and Equalities Outcomes - HSCP.21.058

The Board resolved :-

(i)            to note the progress made on the existing Equality Outcomes (Appendix A);

(ii)          to approve the proposed Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework 2021-25 (Appendix C) and reporting schedule as described in paragraph 3.16;

(iii)         to approve the revised approach to undertaking Health Inequality Impact Assessments (Appendix D); and

(iv)         to approve the consequential amendment to the IJB and Committee report templates to replace both the Equalities and Fairer Scotland Duty sections under Implications with a single section entitled Equalities, Fairer Scotland and Health Inequality and that the Health Inequalities Impact Assessments will be published on the ACHSCP Website; and

(v)          to instruct the Chief Officer, ACHSCP to submit 6-monthly reports alternately to the RAPC and IJB.