Issue - decisions
Vaccination Blueprint - HSCP.21.066
26/08/2021 - Vaccination Blueprint - HSCP.21.066
The Board resolved :-
(i) to note the progress made on the mass vaccination programme and flu delivery in 2020 and lessons learned from both;
(ii) to agree to the implementation of the new service delivery model for Vaccination services, as outlined within Appendix A, with effect from end of August 2021;
(iii) to note that fixed term staff funded by Covid funding will be in place to deliver on the Extended Flu and Covid Booster until end of March 2022;
(iv) to note the identified funding stream required for Covid -19 Booster and Extended Flu; as outlined at paragraph 4.2 of this report; and
(v) to make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B, and instructs the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to NHSG.