Issue - decisions
27/06/2022 - Bus Partnership Fund Update - COM/22/097
(i) to note the progress of the delivery of this grant;
(ii) to note that the Bus Partnership Fund programme has been enabled through Scottish Government funding and that officers will continue to work with partners to deliver the projects in accordance with the grant conditions;
(iii) to note that a full update on the City Centre Masterplan, along with recommendations regarding the Union Street Options Appraisal work will be reported to Full Council on 29 June 2022; and
(iv) to agree that, given this update report does not require any decisions and that any substantive updates or decisions on projects within the BPF will be taken to the relevant Committee as their own report, this update will be taken as a service update to future City Growth and Resources Committees. This does not prevent any request for a committee report on the progress of BPF to be added to the Committee Planner when required.