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Issue - decisions

Aberdeen Community Wealth Building

14/12/2022 - Community Wealth Building - COM/22/279

(i)              to note that the Chief Officer – City Growth would provide information to members by way of email, relating to the evaluation of the Torry Rocks scheme;

(ii)             to request that the Chief Officer – City Growth provide details to Members in relation to the Business Gateway Community Advisor post, including the data analysis related to this post, by way of Service Update;

(iii)            to note the proposed short, medium and long-term actions for Community Wealth Building in Aberdeen (provided in Appendix 1 of this report);

(iv)           to instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to work with other relevant Chief Officers to implement the proposed actions; and

(v)             to support the development of CWB plans by undertaking two mappings.  Firstly, of existing community institutions which can support CWB in Aberdeen, including Credit Unions, Living Wage employers, and the business sector.  Secondly, of spend by Aberdeen City Council, both capital and revenue, compliant with the Local Multiplier (LM3) methodology developed by the New Economics Foundation.