Issue - decisions
07/02/2023 - Carers' Strategy - HSCP.22.003
The Board resolved:-
(i) to approve the final full version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026 as attached at Appendix B of the report;
(ii) to approve the final summary version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as attached at Appendix C of the report ;
(iii) to approve the publishing of an easy-read version of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as part of the launch of all documents;
(iv) to approve the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026 Action plan as attached at Appendix D of the report;
(v) to approve the Engagement and Consultation overview of the Aberdeen City Carers Strategy 2023 - 2026 as attached Appendix A of the report;
(vi) to instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to coordinate a launch period to promote the Strategy;
(vii) to instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to report back on progress with the Carer Strategy and Action Plan annually; and
(viii) to note that an annual consultation event would be held in advance of the annual review.