Issue - decisions
Place Based Investment Programme
03/04/2023 - Place Based Investment Programme - COM/23/096
Place Based Investment Programme 2022/23
(i) Notes the withdrawal of the commitment to the Woodside Gateway project which had been allocated £100,000;
(ii) Notes that in line with the Committee decision on 07/12/2022 an additional £10,987 was awarded to Fersands Fountain Community Project following consultation with Convener of Finance and Resources;
(iii) Approves an initial award of £90,994 to Aberdeen City Council for the Tolbooth Museum External Improvements and Structural Repairs project, and agrees that any funds which become available from previously approved PBIP 2022/23 projects, be re-allocated to this project;
(iv) Notes that any PBIP 2022/23 funds allocated to the Tolbooth project will reduce the value of UK Shared Prosperity Funds allocated to the project by the same value;
(v) Agrees to transfer the allocation of £253,981 to Tillydrone Community Development Trust for the Benholms Gateway project from the 2022/23 programme to the 2023/24 programme;
Place Based Investment Programme 2023/24
(vi) Approves an award of up to £155,615 to Aberdeen City Council for The Street Design – Woodside Gateway project;
(vii) Approves the application from Camphill School Aberdeen for the Murtle Market project;
(viii) Rejects the application from Aberdeen Social Centre for the Aberdeen Alternative Arts Festival project; and
(ix) Notes that Castlegate Arts are developing preparatory work to make further improvements to its facilities and instructs the Chief Officer – City Growth to engage with Castlegate Arts to explore the suitability of future Place Based Investment Funding that can assist with capital investment options for the King Street premises.