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Issue - decisions

Participatory Budgeting - CUS/23/134

12/07/2023 - Modern Slavery - COM/23/211

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note the current status of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, proposed legislative changes and the review of what other major public institutions have in place;

(ii)             instructs the Chief Executive to develop an Anti Modern Slavery statement that would be included as part of the normal policy review cycle, in areas such as:

a. Human Resources including:

            i. Recruitment

            ii. Use of temporary / casual / fixed-term staff

b. Partner organisations

c. Supply chain / Procurement, including:

            i. IT procurement

ii. Use of consultants, contractors, suppliers, vendors

d. Capital Projects

            i. Use of consultants, contractors, suppliers, vendors

            ii. Materials

e. Whistleblowing

f. Training and development

g. Monitoring & enforcement; and

(iii)      to report the statement back to this committee at the next appropriate time.





18/05/2023 - Participatory Budgeting - CUS/23/134

The Committee resolved:-

to note the progress on implementing Participatory Budgeting.