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Issue - decisions


12/07/2023 - Work Plan and Business Cases - COM/23/194

(i)       to review the workplan as detailed in the Appendices for the Customer and Operations Functions;

(ii)      to approve the procurement business cases, including the total estimated expenditure for the proposed contract;

(iii)      to note the content of Appendix 3 - 3.10 Memos (Exemption Urgency);

(iv)     to note that the Head of Commercial and Procurement would circulate a response to questions relating to (1) Appendix 3 – Technical Exemptions - Hydrogen Supply Agreement; and (2) Appendix 5 – Third Party Payments; and

(v)      to agree that the Workplan and Business Cases report be considered as the last public item on future agendas, to allow questions on the exempt appendices to follow straight after and that the Chief Officer – Governance amend future agendas accordingly.