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25/01/2024 - Mental Health and Wellbeing Update - CUS/24/022
(i) to note that officers had undertaken to review the graph axis in future reports to ensure that the data was clear;
(ii) to note that officers had undertaken to provide a gender breakdown of the data to Members outwith the meeting;
(iii) to note that officers would liaise with Ms Thorpe outwith the meeting about the Education Support charity highlighted;
(iv) to note that the outcomes of the Spring 2024 Wellbeing Pulse Check in relation to sustainability would be reviewed as part of the Staff Travel Plan report which was due to a future meeting of the appropriate Committee;
(v) to note the data from the Employee Wellbeing Pulse Check and the support and initiatives currently available to staff;
(vi) to instruct the Interim Chief Officer – People and Organisational Development to ensure that the Wellbeing Pulse Check was repeated in the Spring of 2024 to allow the impact of interventions to be assessed; and
(vii) to note that a recommendation would be taken to the Extended Corporate Management Team (ECMT) on whether the Council should explore utilising the services of Salary Finance as an additional support for employees.