Issue - decisions
Corporate Risk Register, Cluster Assurance Maps, and Inspections Planner - COM/24/008
23/02/2024 - Corporate Risk Register, Cluster Assurance Maps, and Inspections Planner - COM/24/008
(i) to note the Corporate Risk Register set out in Appendix A and the summary of movements in risk scores set out in the table at section 3.6;
(ii) to note the Cluster Assurance Maps provided at Appendix B;
(iii) to note the Inspections Planner provided at Appendix C, note that this is unlikely to include all external scrutiny requirements for 2024 for the reason explained in item 9.5 (Assurance Reporting) on today’s agenda and note that this limits the Councils visibility on the balance of management, internal and external assurance required to manage our risk environment; and
(iv) to instruct the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to provide an update by email on the risk associated with Resettlement and Asylum demand.