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Issue - decisions

Future operation of Controlled Parking Zones Y and YY (Garthdee and Kaimhill)

02/04/2024 - Future operation of Controlled Parking Zones Y and YY (Garthdee and Kaimhill) - RES/24/095

(i)       to instruct the Chief Officer - Operations to carry out informal consultation with Garthdee and Kaimhill communities regarding the continuation of the CPZ;

(ii)       to instruct the Chief Officer - Operations to assess responses to the informal consultation and to report back to a future meeting of this Committee with the results and recommendations for the future of the CPZ; and

(ii)       to instruct the Chief Officer – Operations to engage with RGU on the basis of the undertaking given by the then Principal of RGU on 27 March 2015 that, before the end of the current arrangement, the University would engage with Council and community “to seek to agree on a framework for the period after the ten years that will be acceptable to all and will meet the needs of the Community”.