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Issue - decisions

City Region Deal - AC2422

03/07/2024 - City Region Deal - AC2422

(i)       to agree the contents of the Report including the Major risk rating;

(ii)      to note that Delivery partners have not shared all data required to allow Internal Audit to evidence progress with the Aberdeen City Region Deal;

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Executive to write to all parties to ensure our Internal Auditor receives the information requested, reminding partners that the signed legal agreement ensured that all governance arrangements were to be the sole responsibility of the Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee which allowed the Partners to commit to the Aberdeen City Region Deal;

(iv)     to instruct the Chief Internal Auditor to provide a verbal update at the next committee as to the progress or otherwise of Internal Audit obtaining the requested information; and

(v)      to note of the seven recommendations, two were complete, three were ongoing and required sign-off from Internal Audit, and two required input from external partners.