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Issue - decisions

Scheme of Governance Review

15/07/2024 - IJB Annual Scheme of Governance Review - HSCP.24.048

(i)           to approve the revised Standing Orders for the IJB as attached at

Appendix A of the report;

(ii)       to approve the revised Terms of Reference for the IJB and the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee as attached at Appendix B of the report;

(iii)      to note that there would be a further review of the governance around Clinical and Care Governance and that this would be reported back to the IJB in March 2025;

(iv)      to approve the Roles and Responsibilities Protocol as attached at Appendix C of the report;

(v)        to note that the review of the IJB Carers and Service User Representatives Expenses Policy would be completed once the new IJB representatives were appointed and presented to the IJB for approval at the same time as the review referred to at (iii) above;

(vi)       to note there were no changes to the Code of Conduct; and

(vii)      to instruct the Chief Officer to upload the revised Scheme of Governance to the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s website.