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Issue - decisions

Update on Consultation Exercise for City Centre Multi Storeys - F&C/24/324

26/11/2024 - Update on Consultation Exercise for City Centre Multi Storeys - F&C/24/324

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the attached report on the outcomes of the consultation exercise appended to the report which noted that 49% of residents would prefer a do-minimum option for the blocks;

(ii)            to note that all options highlighted within the original case required significant spend on the properties, all of which may not be affordable; and

(iii)          to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to revisit the costs, risks and deliverable timescales for all options in an updated Business Case and to report this to a future meeting of this committee and to reflect the future risk and financial requirements for these buildings in the Housing Revenue Account budget process for 2025/26.