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Issue - decisions

Committee Business Planner

24/01/2025 - Committee Business Planner

(i)       to agree to remove item 4 (Road Safety Plan Annual Update towards 2030 casualty reduction targets) as a service update would be provided instead, but to note that Members could ask questions of officers outwith the meeting or at the next Committee if required;

(ii)       in relation to the above service update, to note that officers would ascertain whether this had already been circulated and would issue to Members if not;

(iii)      in relation to item 15 (Den Burn Restoration Project), to note that the report might not be available for the March Committee due to the timing of the announcement on Heritage Lottery funding and committee reporting deadlines, but that officers had undertaken to provide a verbal update at that meeting if information was available;

(iv)      in relation to item 18 (Strategic Car Parking Review), to note that it was expected that this would be reported in March 2025 as planned;

(v)      in relation to item 45 (Draft Local Transport Strategy), to note that it was anticipated that this would be reported to Committee in Autumn 2025; and

(vi)      to otherwise note the business planner.