ePetition details
A Tree For Every Citizen / Deer Cull Disclosure Request
3. To actively work with Police Scotland to detect and deter
further illegal poaching, as happened on Tullos Hill in January of
this year.
4. To erect deer crossing warning signs to motorists in strategic
spots. The city seems to claim deer were indicated in 30 vehicle
accidents recently, but no signs give motorists any warning of
potential hot spots. Such signs are used to good effect elsewhere
in the UK and throughout Europe. The city has indicated 'people
ignore signs' - we feel that is not an acceptable way to try and
prevent accidents. We note the city uses numerous signs directing
motorists which are heeded.
5. To fully disclose all expenses the city has incurred in the last
8 years with regard to deer culling, tree planting, related
consultants, fencing, herbicides, monies paid to the SNH, the
Forestry Commission - any and all costs which planting during all
phases of A Tree For Every Citizen scheme. The city is also to
disclose any and all risk matrices created for the herbicides used
(and indicate what chemicals were used) and the deer culling - or
indicate whether such risk assessments were carried out.
The city was made aware of thousands of objections to the deer cull
on Tullos Hill, which was carried out several years ago to aid the
'Tree For Every Citizen' scheme and to implement non-binding SNH
guidelines. The city not only proceeded, but it insisted that the
methodology it pursued was good value for money. Disclosing the
requested information and carrying out the requested actions will
determine the facts.
Started by: Suzanne Kelly
On reaching 100 signatures
This ePetition ran from 17/10/2014 to 06/04/2015 and has now finished.
432 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
As at 2 April 2015.
Of the 430 signatories submitted -
89 signatories were out of City
50 signatories were not valid as not on the electoral register
The petition end date has been extended until 3 April 2015.