Issue history
Title - Description of Application (from report of handling)
- 25/05/2023 - Agenda item, Planning Development Management Committee Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of 30 affordable residential units with associated infrastructure and open space - former Braeside Primary School 25/05/2023
- 01/06/2023 - Agenda item, Planning Development Management Committee Former Braeside Primary School - 221310 01/06/2023
- 07/06/2023 - Published decision: Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of 30 affordable residential units with associated infrastructure and open space - former Braeside Primary School
- 08/06/2023 - Agenda item, Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) Former Braeside Primary School - 221310 08/06/2023
- 13/06/2023 - Published decision: Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of 30 affordable residential units with associated infrastructure and open space - former Braeside Primary School
- 08/11/2023 - Agenda item, Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) Former Cults Railway Station - 230772 08/11/2023
- 08/11/2023 - Published decision: Detailed Planning Permission for the change of use from class 4 (business) to class 1A (shops and financial professional and other services) and class 3 (food and drink) with covered outdoor seating area including demolition of existing lean to exten