Issue details
Update report on current initiatives including Women's Experience of the Cost of Living Crisis - CUS/23/015
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
- 16/01/2023 - Update report on current initiatives including Women's Experience of the Cost of Living Crisis - CUS/23/015
- 13/03/2023 - Demographic information on child poverty, in-work poverty and other forms of poverty in the city - CUS/23/067
Agenda items
- 11/01/2023 - Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee Update report on current initiatives including Women's Experience of the Cost of Living Crisis - CUS/23/015 11/01/2023
- 08/03/2023 - Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee Demographic information on child poverty, in-work poverty and other forms of poverty in the city - CUS/23/067 08/03/2023