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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Property - Vacant and Surplus Assets (EPI/12/202)'

  • Councillor Bill Cormie - Non Pecuniary - Prior to the consideration of the following item of business, Councillors Cormie, Jean Morrison MBE and Yuill declared an interest in the subject matter by virtue of their appointment by the Council as members of the Robert Gordon's College Board of Governors but did not consider that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting.
  • Councillor Ian Yuill - Non Pecuniary - Prior to the consideration of the following item of business, Councillors Cormie, Jean Morrison MBE and Yuill declared an interest in the subject matter by virtue of their appointment by the Council as members of the Robert Gordon's College Board of Governors but did not consider that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting.
  • Councillor Jean Morrison MBE - Non Pecuniary - Prior to the consideration of the following item of business, Councillors Cormie, Jean Morrison MBE and Yuill declared an interest in the subject matter by virtue of their appointment by the Council as members of the Robert Gordon's College Board of Governors but did not consider that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting.