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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Council General Fund Monitoring 2015/16 - CG/16/072'

  • Councillor Alan Donnelly - Personal and Prejudicial - the Vice Convener and Councillor Dickson declared an interest by virtue of their position as Council appointed Directors to the Board of Sport Aberdeen, and considered that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting and they took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon. The Vice Convener was substituted by Councillor Carle for this item of business only.
  • Councillor Graham Dickson - Personal and Prejudicial - the Vice Convener and Councillor Dickson declared an interest by virtue of their position as Council appointed Directors to the Board of Sport Aberdeen, and considered that the nature of their interests required them to leave the meeting and they took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon. The Vice Convener was substituted by Councillor Carle for this item of business only.